Catalina Avalos to Family.

Catalina Avalos to cover Odom felony DVU temporarily pending George Odom’s transfer to Firtel/Scherer.

John Fry to cover Avalos MM DVU together with his full-time division until county court appointment.

Michael Davis to Drug Court.

Susan Alspector to Odom felony DVU.

Kevin Tynan to hybrid RPO/DV/FAMILY.


35 thoughts on “MOVEMENT”

    1. 3


      Movement?! Maybe y’all can find a spot for me?
      I’d love to get a stable judge salary, so tired of trying to hump my clients.

      Here is the next installment (2nd so far) of Stripclub Johnny’s ghosts of the past (aka “strip club Johnnie’s AVVO reviews”)

      “Not a defense lawyer at all! 1.0 star
      Posted by anonymous October 24, 2019

      He deceived me did not defend me at all had to do my own investigations on my case would not allow me to ask questions. One day I was in his office after 4 months of being on house arrest letting him know I was profiled and my case was absolutely self defense. So he calls the arresting officer right in front of me put him on speaker and just so happens they are practically best friends coach each other’s kids and on and on they mostly talked about sports then he asked the officer about my case which the officer laughs and make a jokes saying I had no business in that neighborhood due to my ethnicity.

      Mr. John Weekes continuously put me off would not listen to my statement and threaten to kick me out his office if I say anything on the day of our meeting when I had requested motions that should be filed.

      When I proved to him by calling my mother inlaw and verified the address I was arrested at he quickly got defensive due to the lies that the arresting officer made on the report all evidence as far as video cam were on my defense.

      I was put in a corner there were no victims and the BSO officer “John Weekes” good friend and coaching buddy did not appear in the court on the motions that were filed. The state said it was mandatory that he was there but no show.. So the judge gave him 20 min still no show, the show begins no witnesses,no victims and the arresting officer does not show up for a mandatory statement against me as a witness. As I was sitting there it was very obvious this whole arraignment was staged all they wanted was a conviction and me to plea out at this point.

      He will not listen to you he is very rude definitely not a defender more like a crook and works more for the state to make you plea out so you have a conviction. He works for the BSO and the state due to my experience. “

        1. 3


          Especially since if the main State witness didn’t show as described, that case goes away and it benefits the defense. As a longtime former criminal defense lawyer, there’s a reason we all had work, and it wasn’t because the clients had brains.

          “the show begins no witnesses, no victims and the arresting officer does not show up for a mandatory statement against me as a witness”. That’s GREAT for the defense. Moron client.

          1. 4


            Please Broward August primary voters (ahem, those who vote based on a candidate’s skin color), DON’T confuse Gordon Weekes with this Johnny character!

            “Terribile Lawyer 1.0 star
            Posted by Michael December 20, 2013

            I hired john almost 6 months ago. i have worked with other lawyers, and he wasnt very professional. He never returned phone calls, leaving me by myself in court. He basically ripped me off. I eventually had to hire another attorney, who was much better. I am going to try and get my money back from John. I would never recommend this attorney.”

        1. 10


          Thought Stripclub Johnny proclaimed few weekes ago how he was “gonna file this week!”
          Shows here: nothing filed

          What scared him off to make him go wait a while?

          He was all: “Yep, I’m gonna bank on voters blending Gordon Weekes w my name, then I’ll FINALLY be making bank!” Was he afraid of having to sign that campaign financial disclosure stmt., revealing WHY he’s trying to ride on Gordon’s name to land a judicial salary?

            1. 3


              Shoot, a stripper like that finna make more than stripclub Johnnie Weakes could ever dream of hauling in as a judge

              We understand Johnny, it’s embarrassing when you been talking up such a big game, to file and show you ain’t really got much shit at all.

              Go pound sand, loser, and pay your two Alimony bills at the same time

          1. 13


            Me and everyone I know is voting for johnny Weeks. Moon has no grasp on the law and she treats litigants like shit! Moon has got to go!! Keep on posting your BS on this blog the voters will not see your BS. 🤣🤣

      1. 3


        Shit, which ex wife is so mad at poor Stripclub Johnny to berate him like this publicly?

        To expose his lack of legal knowledge, his hypocrisy at pretending to market himself as a “trial lawyer” when he has no record to prove it?
        Who? Who would wanna mess with poor out of shape slob stripclub Johnny? I mean his kids will even read this stuff about his shafted clients, his out of control strip club antics…poor loser

  1. 9


    Thank god Odom is out of felony dv. Alspector was wasted in drug court. Happy to have her in a division she can do some good in. Odom should go to drug court though—he wants to micromanage? Let him micromanage in there.

    1. 1


      O’DUMB is so INCOMPETENT. I don’t know how he passed the BAR exam. He is so full of himself asking that a movie be made of him .

  2. 4


    Avalos is laying low for a couple of years until she finally wears the Circuit Criminal Crown with a fresh 6

    1. 10


      And the ones in satellite are extra losers. I wonder if they know they’re there because they were appointed and dumb and can’t handle real court or trials?

    2. 1


      What happened? Did you lose an election or not judicial worthy?

      You certainly can’t be a decent lawyer whining like that.

      1. 12


        Oh I didn’t know we had to lose an election or be a shitty lawyer to make a clear as day observation? Also—did you say election? Those losers were all appointed. Nobody respects that. You sold your soul to get a governor to give you a job. It’s a job. Unless you first took the bench from an election, I have zero respect.

        1. 3


          The only people appointed are the ones who got nothing better to do than work the system behind the scenes because real lawyers are too dang busy with paying clients or trying big trials as a big dog prosecutor protecting the public like Coach did right up til retiring.

  3. 5


    This post has as much relevance to me as to who made supervisor at the local publix. Who TF cares about these political hacks feeding at the public trough for their literal livelihood. It’s embarrassing and sad that this is considered the pinnacle of their careers. This… a judgeship in Broward County. Congrats losers.

    1. 16


      This’s wholly shortsighted. The bureaucratic class have tremendous authority over all our lives. Especially now with the world upheavals. To know them is important. To run against them is best to keep them in check.

  4. 9


    The bowel movement for that s hole couldn’t be big enough. If that ever happened they be repairing all the sewer lines for ever and ft Lauderdale city commission would be crapping in their pants because there was no more room in the overloaded pipes.
    Let’s drill tunnels all over this town.
    I guess the mayor likes tunnels, obviously.
    Is it the Holland tunnel or Hershey highway?
    Or another hand out to Elon Musk?
    Boy ftl is lacking any kinda of leadership. Jack where are you, we miss you.

  5. 16


    The only movement that the Broward Judiciary should undergo is one that would require a tremendous dose of laxative. Lazy, incompetent and inept is their banner of choice.

  6. 4


    Did you know that “all” strip and sex clubs have very sophisticated video and audio surveillance? It comes in handy for a great many things since a lot of very high powered men have stopped in for a GOOD TIME.

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