85 thoughts on “SAO CRACK PICS”

  1. 8


    What’s the big deal? With that slow progression of fissuring the building will stand for a minimum of three to seven years.

  2. 10


    Can someone please contact the Governor? He loves removing people in high positions in Broward County who won’t do their job. Maybe he would help.

    1. 0


      You mean he’ll help literally remove the people from high positions, such as the 18th-21st floors?

      1. 0


        What good would that do? How can they help that the building wasn’t structured properly??

  3. 0


    It’s not the structure it’s the windows themselves. They face the southern eastern hemisphere where the suns rotation follows everyday The suns intense rays are causing those cracks. Obviously only a defective glass pane. If you believe that I’ll tell ya a better one NikolasCruz would not be convicted of the death penalty. Strange things happen in them hollowed hallways
    Just saying. No need to evacuate. Lol
    I would be fired for not reporting to work
    Are these legitimate grounds for Judge Scherer to grant a continuance or disqualify.

  4. 3


    If only the most important people are currently impacted (Clerk Forman and Chief Tuter) then why don’t we move them to the 110 Tower and then fill the top closed floors with solid concrete to stop any more problems. The offices in the 110 are beautiful and not very expensive. Then new suitable office suites can be built in some of the empty and never used courtrooms (because of Zoom) on the lower floors for the important people who we need to accommodate.

    1. 4


      Take a look at the location of the crack on the window. It’s up against the wall indicating that the wall Shifted/Moved causing the crack in that location. The building is shifting. Doesn’t take a very smart person to figure it out.

    2. 6


      Whoever took these pictures better be careful. Could cause big problems for you if they find out who you are.

      1. 1


        Wow, are you part of management? Trying to scare and bully the people that thank God had the courage to expose what’s going on!
        Take your threat and shove it.

  5. 0


    110 had its windows blown out during daily swirling winds. That’s not a safe place either.
    Are there settling issues? Lol

  6. 2


    Let me guess.
    A bunch of birds simultaneously crashed into these windows and caused the cracks? Nothing to worry about?

    1. 0


      Birds of a common feather flock together
      I don’t mean the actual birds but
      The people that need to make decisions.
      So your right the seagulls caused the window damage. Nothing to worry about lol.

  7. 1


    I’m waiting from someone from the county to say that those are bird strikes and that’s what is causing the Windows to crack.

  8. 3


    Governor Desantis needs to be notified and be made aware of what’s going on in Broward county with the structural integrity of the courthouse and the inactions of the Broward County Commissioner’s and others in control that aren’t doing anything.

  9. 4


    And come election time the people in Broward County will reelect the very same Broward county commissioners and others that are responsible for this abortion of a building. That’s Broward county and the Broward county way. Keep voting for idiots to run your county because they are doing such a great job.

    1. 1


      These structural errors are worrisome. It makes my imagination invent one of those “Engineering Disaster” shows, where, the New Broward Courthouse must be evacuated and demolished!!

  10. 6


    Instead of doing the right thing the Broward county commissioners will continue to put more lipstick on the Pig.

      1. 0




        1. 4


          I agree with the building inspectors…..we’ve got to find the money to bring in Ghostbusters.

          1. 1


            Don’t call 911 they are understaffed and won’t be able to answer the phones until our impasse is over. Two incompetent agencies trying to resolve a very important issue. I bet the two agencies couldn’t even decide on lunch, even if the taxpayers were paying for it.
            What a joke!!!!

    1. 0


      Where’s the Festivus Pole when you need it. That’s right it’s only on the 1st floor.
      Maybe blame the structural defects on that stupid pole. It’s certainly not the contractors

  11. 3


    Imagine the issues that can’t be seen because they haven’t surfaced yet. But I’m sure that they will.

  12. 13


    If it wasn’t for Bill Gelin and this blog how many people would know what’s going on. Seriously.

  13. 4


    The Broward Commissioner’s closed down the courthouse for Covid to make themselves look like heroes at least in their own eyes. That closure also had nothing to do with the building having any issues so it didn’t reflect poorly on the commissioners. But if they shut the courthouse down now because of Structural issues it wouldn’t bode well for the Commissioners and it would definitely not be a good reflection on them or the building they pushed very hard to have built. They have no intention of doing the right thing and closing the courthouse down for the safety of the employees and general public. It’s all about how they look and are perceived that they care about.

    1. 6


      It’s alarming to me how few people are commenting about this. I understand that employees are afraid that if they post comments somehow they’ll be found out and get in trouble. But this is literally life and death.
      Nobody is giving employees any information. Maybe the strategy of keeping the peasants quiet, in the dark, and calm is working.
      Also, I guess people who don’t work there every day just think it’s funny that the peasants might be crushed.
      After all, they keep saying they wouldn’t even get out of bed for $180k/year. So to them, these people who get $400.00/hr) aren’t worth caring about. I guess they agree with all of the top management that these people don’t deserve any care or even the respect to know what’s going on so that they can make personal decisions.

      1. 0


        * to them (people who get > $400.00/hr) these people (who get < $15.00/hr) aren’t worth caring about

      2. 2


        This is stupid. You’re wrong! The employees are being apprised of the situation. Bloggers love to “stir the pot”. Just say as many salacious things as possible for shock effect while you sit in your pjs in front of your device. Let’s wait and see what the reports say. I’m sure the commissioners are getting solid advice from the experts. They don’t want peoples lives and a tragic disaster on their watch. So let’s not speculate until we all know for sure. Ok. Now go ahead and continue with your blogging and just ignore this comment because it’s not contrary enough to the status quo. Yeesh.

        1. 2


          I agree with this comment. The politicians don’t want a tragic disaster on their watch. Because they’d feel bad. Like any normal person would. And because then they wouldn’t have a government paycheck coming in. Because most of them can’t earn an equal living like that they get now on their own. Thus I agree for those reasons. They’re doing what they can. Panic is a problem. But the time is now to get the expert advice. Not to panic.

          1. 5


            The time is now to get people out of harm’s way until they have all of the facts.
            Why are they running all these tests and getting all these expert opinions if they are already sure the building is safe?
            They’re not sure the building is safe. That’s why they are doing everything they are doing.
            So the question remains why people are still in the building when all of this expert analysis is pending.

        2. 6


          The employees are being apprised of very little. What they are getting is less than they could get on their own from the blog and news outlets. Also, if they dare speak about the situation while at work, they are scolded.
          You must be friends with someone in management. I would’ve said you must be part of management, but your spelling and grammar are way too correct for that. People who can put that many grammatically correct sentences together will never be promoted to management.

    2. 7


      Why don’t they do County Commission Meetings in The Tooter Courtroom to show how safe we are.

  14. 6


    Not a single news outlet has reported anything about the cracked windows.
    I guess they are all now just waiting for the bigger story of the collapse?
    I wish they’d inform everyone and keep hammering the negligent parties that refuse to act in the best interests of the people in that building.

      1. 2


        The scum sentinel has always worked with the chief judge of this lousy circuit. Don’t look for any independent investigative reporting from a rag like that. Go’s all the way back to Moron Ross and his corrupt band of fellow scumbag Broward judges. The scumbags that remain have just gone underground for fear someone will run against them.
        Hear Green is retiring after soaking taxpayers his entire career. One less scumbag con-conspirator. Still a number to go.

  15. 3


    For someone who claims to be so Christian and is always talking about God, she’s not treating a building full of his children with much care. Is that what Jesus would do? Jesus would knowingly endanger the lives of God’s children by keeping them working in a building that nobody is sure is safe, before conducting the necessary inspections and evaluations to determine if it safe?
    Maybe God told her he wasn’t going to let the building fall. He talks to her you know.

    1. 3


      When she was not dealing with her issues she was the most compassionate judge. Her demons won her over unfortunately

  16. 5


    Poor Design +Poor Quality Building Materials+Poor Workmanship+Broward County Commissioner’s that only cares about the Outward Appearance and how much money they could cost corners on so that they could have their Atrocious Artwork and Useless Atriums all of that added up Equals a building that is now falling apart. And it’s Barely 5 years Old. Great job Broward County Commissioner’s. I wouldn’t expect anything less from any of you.

    1. 1


      I have to disagree with you about bad design
      That ramp between floors was an engineering wonder and advancement for future governmental buildings. Especially in Broward County
      Question who where the contractors and subcontractors?

      1. 1


        Question I ask: could the pressure on the building caused by the crooked bridge being shoehornd to fit unevenly between two areas be causing the failures?

  17. 3


    The idea that these cracked windows were caused by birds is the most ridiculous notion yet ! Is that the best these idiots can come up with ?

  18. 2


    Culprits identified as vandals of Courthouse windows ….

    “The only bird brains are on the Broward County Commission”

      1. 0


        Wow you sound like an engineering genius. Obviously you weren’t one of the architects or contractors.
        You’re probably an Asa.

  19. 1


    Could any of this have to do with faulty plumbing problems leading to or exacerbating the cracks because the water smells really bad in the restrooms in that entire wing. Something is not right.

    1. 4


      I pray (and I believe) this is all something fixable. I however feel compelled to comment on the picture above. The thing is about many so called public servants. They’re always ready to accept an award. However when blame is to be assigned they don’t accept it. Worse more, they won’t go to the mat to find the culpable parties because money and politics are at play. They don’t like to upset people or hold each other accountable for selfish reasons. I again repeat I don’t think this is a non-fixable situation. I also don’t know how the two gentlemen in the photograph will react if this is a non-fixability problem. I however am compelled because it’s such a disturbing thing to see so called public servants constantly lauding each other when there are always so many grievously serious public problems to tackle that are ignored or bungled. Yet there’s always time for an award’s ceremony.

  20. 4


    I’m Jackie Tuter and I want to Toot my own Horn as many times as I want !!! It makes me feel better about the crappy job I do concerning everything else.

    1. 3


      Ahh, it’s always great to see the late Mr. Perry Thurston. Can always count on him being late. Except for Free meals, then he becomes the Early Mr. Perry Thurston.

  21. 3


    Bill should check in on where all of the administrators and judges are every day. I think the underlings are being forced to come to work while the big shots stay safe at home.

    Bill, Take Attendance!!!

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