*UPDATE* UPDATE* 1/9/23:


FOX NEWS – Parkland shooting Judge Elizabeth Scherer discusses a Las Vegas judge sentencing a man who attacked her in court on ‘Jesse Watters Primetime.’

*UPDATE* 1/8/23:


From accompanying article:

In her professional career, Scherer has also had to dust herself off and keep going.

She’s thinking about writing a book, and has also received offers to provide legal commentary, but is quick add Judge Judy doesn’t have anything to worry about.

“I don’t think Judge Judy has to be worried about anyone ever,” Scherer said.

SS – Broward jail deaths have Public Defender’s office demanding oversight



Q: “Do you feel at any point that you unduly chastised the public defender Melisa McNeill?

A: “So there was a lot that was going on during that trial that I felt was extremely unprofessional and disrespectful, not only to the court, but to the families. As a judge there’s only certain tools that you have to address that type of disrespect, and you know, did I handle it perfectly? Perhaps not. But I did what I thought needed to be done in order to maintain decorum, and to keep, keep that trial moving in a way that was fair to all parties.

Starts Monday Morning 6:30 AM

Will Melisa McNeill or Gordon Weekes give their own interviews and perspectives, now that Liz has broken the silence?

And is this the beginning of a larger media presence for Scherer?




Watch your favorite future judge squirm …

169 thoughts on “SCHERER SPEAKS!”

          1. 6


            The story is the State failed to do anything and encourage the legislature to act after the Poole case. Why? Because but for a few exceptions, government lawyers on both sides are inherently lazy. They stay at the job long term and think they work so hard but those are easy jobs for lazy lawyers. Melisa handled things right by knowing she needed just one juror. That was the State’s fault. As far as professionalism goes, Tammy Siegel and Gordon Weekes were morons. The fact Melisa handled the case as well as she did despite those two speaks well for her. Tammy and Gordon did a lot more damage than good. A life sentence but a change in the law to the detriment of the defense despite the State’s incompetence and because of the defense unprofessionalism. As far as Scherer goes, this was a shit show from juror selection onward. Remember the “sugar daddy” juror. She didn’t even know how to handle that. In the end, Cruz will get strangled in prison and we’ll have an 8-4 death penalty law.

            1. 11


              Let me get this straight. An inexperienced Judge. Who never tried more than a few trials. Who never tried a big case. With lawyers on both sides who had. A Judge calling the lawyers unprofessional. After she got convicted by the Jqc for being unprofessional. Seriously?

              1. 6


                Neither McNeil or that Tammy idiot had tried many cases if any. McNeil hadn’t been qualified very long. Don’t know who you’re talking about.
                But to sum it up, it was a menopausal cat fight of incompetence on both sides from the beginning with the whole incompetent crew.
                Satz was the only one who acted professionally if not a little long winded, but he’s always been a bag of hot air,
                His mistake was choosing Jeff to showboat and double down and bore the poor jurors to death with repeated minutiae that put everybody to sleep but the emotionally and hormonally charged bitches that were trying to scratch each other’s eyes out; both Judge Liz, and Airhead McNeil. Obviously a lot of animosity and hostility there from way back.
                That Tammy Joker was just the icing on the cake of unprofessional artwork along with the fat guy public pretender stroking Cruz’ leg throughout the trial.
                It was a circus of Incompetence topped off by the introduction of the biggest clown, Gordon Weeks, throwing his unnecessary sausage into the fray of disorder.
                It was an embarrassment of incompetence on show for the whole world to see and hear. But Broward Courts have come to define this sort show.
                The ones I sincerely feel sorry for were the families of the victims in this crude farce of so called administration of Justice.
                Judge Elizabeth Scherer never had control of this group of carnival actors or she would have put them all in jail.

                1. 3


                  It’s Jack Tuter’s fault ! He thought he was doing her a big favor giving her this high profile case. Really bad decision considering the ultimate consequences.

                  1. 0


                    Liz was just another space kitten on the Broward Bench full of crappy bimbo judges … She got burned because she is an incompetent wash rag who had no choice but to crawl back to daddy.

                2. 2


                  too too long of a trial, by the end it was just another day & the horror of it all faded for the jurors

                3. 0


                  Finally got around to watching the podcast with Liz Scherer. Never seen such a pathetic, attention seeking flake as Liz sitting behind her cheap little plastic desk in daddy’s office trying to look like she’s somehow still relevant.
                  Just goes to show you what happens when you put a politically connected twit on the bench to preside over a case that she should never have been considered for in the first place with no experience and even less ability,
                  She was an embarrassment when she worked as a state attorney and even more of a carnival act when she weaseled her way to becoming a judge.
                  Just like Chief Judge Tuter, the days of being associated with the Scherer Brand carries with it a badge of sleazy incompetence that can’t be erased.
                  Tuter should have known better than to allow her to conduct the Cruz case.
                  Considering the way he wormed his way to becoming Chief Judge of a circuit known for its political antics, it’s of no surprise that Liz would fall into the same category.
                  Its perfect that after her shit show she’s now where she belongs, back under Daddy’s wing in a family firm where they can attempt to cover for her shortcomings. Good luck Liz. You’ll need it.

                    1. 2


                      Its probably why she prefers the company of horses. She’s been ridden hard and put away wet.

                    2. 0


                      She’s always been a flake ! It took you seeing her make a complete ass of herself to figure that out ? LOL

            2. 11


              Oh yeah, the PD’s with 200+ cases each are the lazy ones? Not the private attorneys with 35 clients who still don’t make jail visits or go to trial. Smh

            3. 2


              I call bullshit when I see it, you are blaming Gordon and Tammy for the change in law? Give me a f****** break. Take your head out of your ass smell the f****** wind once in a while. Michael sets and his group of prosecutors really f***** things up. Mike thought he had this in the bag because his former employee was prosecuting from the bench and helping him every way she could. Problem was nobody told her to shut the f****** and stop f****** things up when she accused Melissa of not being professional after resting her case I lost all respect for that woman. Her smirks and comments are the reason why that guy’s not on death row. And Rhonda Santis is seizing on the moment, You’re an idiots in You’re an d the idiots in Tallahassee who flock under DeSantis piss on the Constitution and stare decisis. But let’s not forget about the f****** horrendous job the state attorney’s office did and prosecuting this case. But I agree that if Harold would have caved in offered him a life sentence he would have been suspended by the governor. Look at what that f****** a****** did to the prosecutor in Orlando.

              1. 4


                They’d have nothing if that picture of the middle finger wasn’t floating around. With it they spin the tale their way.

              2. 0


                Say what you want blame who you want. Broward successfully pissed off the entire legislature and now it will be so much easier to put a person to death.

    1. 9


      There was nothing professional about how the trial was handled by either the defense or the judge hearing it. It was handled in a contemptuous manner from the beginning by a bunch of rank amateurs !
      The appearance of Gordon Weeks and his insertion into the process just added another layer of hilarity to the farce.

        1. 1


          Public admonishment. ask Cheney Mason when he gave the finger how he gave a s*** about the bar sanctioning him in the Zimmerman case. I consider it a badge of honor.

  1. 5




  2. 7


    Thanks also to Judge Scherer for dredging up the worst possible dreck in the 17th Circuit’s history.

      1. 2


        Yes, they do. For a year, I believe. That’s why she took a break in the video before answering. She must have made sure what she was going to say was ok.

  3. 7


    lol she is so desperate for airtime that she’s doing this 6 months after she left and nothing else has panned out? This is her big media gig? She had to beg them to do this piece that nobody cares about anymore. Just to have a reel to shop around. It’s kind of sad.

    1. 16


      You need to learn how to let it go Liz. The fact of the matter is you should never have been the judge in such a case. You lacked either the experience, maturity or temperament to try such a case. You proved that repeatedly. To now try to revisit your incompetence is nothing but a pathetic attempt to manage the damage done to your tarnished reputation that will continue to follow you closely throughout the rest of your career.
      You’ve made your bed and now must live with the consequences. I sincerely doubt there is anything you can say now that will change the opinion that most have formed about your capacity to act as an unbiased arbiter either now or in the future. You have accomplished your notoriety, just not the way you imagined it would turn out. I for one will not bother to give you another five minutes to watch you try to explain your way out of the way you behaved through the trial. You have brought disrepute to the entire legal process and further raised unresolved questions concerning your personal integrity and sense of honor.

        1. 3


          Really? It’s random assignment. No one—on either side—moved to disqualify her. And why should they? From the defense perspective she was a walking error.

          1. 7


            If Liz Scherer had earned her stripes instead of playing the political card, much the same as Chief Judge Tuter did to get where he is, she would never have become a judge, much less ever heard the Cruz case.
            But like everything else in Broward Courthouse circles, the worst possible candidate for the job for all the wrong reasons muddled her way through a trial that was way over her head and managed to screw it up beyond description.
            Now the little pinhead wants to resurrect this abortion of a trial to justify her actions where she becomes the victim ?
            Give me a break. Quite frankly, I wish she would have the class and good sense to just go away.

        2. 2


          All criminal cases are given to Judges at random by the Clerk of the Courts. The Clerk of The Courts has an orderly set system of distributing all criminal cases to all Judges.

      1. 5


        Samewise how she says she didn’t fight the Jqc trial because she didn’t want to to put the families in the middle but she can’t go quietly into the night????

      2. 2


        It’s not bashing, ya snowflake. It’s making fair observation. “Derrrr I like how you’re reading this comment and bashing the commenter.” See how Dumdum you sound.

    1. 4


      The PD was absolutely baiting her. That is the culture at the PD’s office. They started needling and attacking judges when Howard ruled the roost and it continues to this day. They are relentless. They disrupt proceedings in order to annoy and harass the judge. They aren’t doing their clients any favors.

      The judge had to deal with a very very long and difficult case. She handled 99% of the case with grace and professionalism. But she’s human.

      The JQC was in a bind on this one. But nonetheless they had to let the world know that judges cannot show bias.

      1. 2


        They aren’t doing their clients any favors?
        The shitbird is alive.
        Don’t be a dumbass.
        PD’s kick ass.

  4. 7


    Who is going to get up at 6:30 AM to watch Elizabeth Scherer made a complete fool of herself yet again ? Lol. She’s a hot mess and this stunt proves it beyond any doubt !

      1. 8


        Just in case you don’t get it, Liz. Nobody cares what you have to say about anything. You’re just another burned out former Broward Judge who made an ass out of yourself and is better forgotten. The sooner the better. Now crawl back into daddy’s pocket and shut the yap. You want to thank somebody for your screwup, thank Tuter for promoting your clown show to begin with !

  5. 5


    Hack Judges like her and Seidlin should never sit in judgement of anything that isn’t on a menu. They cannot withstand the scrutiny of sustained television coverage. At least both are gone now. They exposed themselves outside the powerless little courthouse people and got their just desserts. They never would’ve been Judges in a world where ability trumps political patronage and when they were exposed they got cooked.

  6. 7


    Much more important anything to do with Scherer. Why do we suddenly have to disrobe at security to get into the courthouse? Get undressed. Put all our clothes into this dirty disgusting buckets. WTF. In Miami the attorneys don’t even get screened, in Broward we get strip searched.

    This needs its own post.

  7. 14


    We are all giving her what she wants, Attention. Just ignore her and maybe she will go away?

      1. 5


        Liz Scherer couldn’t try her way out of a wet paper bag ! Lol. Furthermore, she’s one of the most self absorbed and talentless twits I’ve ever had the displeasure of working with.

        We all know how she made it to the bench and she stunk at that as well. She really had no choice but to scamper off and work in the family firm where she can empty trash cans and still be lauded as an experienced bumpkin.

        You can bet she won’t be working out complicated litigation cases because she has trouble finding her eyeliner and lipgloss in her own bag of goop.

        No, Liz has really made a fool out of herself again. It’s painful to watch. No surprises here. Just the same ole Liz trying desperately to pump herself up and looking like a moron in doing so.

        I wouldn’t hire her to do my nails because she’d F that up as well. You go girl because you provide endless amusement for those of us that have come to know you. You look like Morticia Adams on a bad hair day ! You’re a mix of Daddy’s little girl and 10,000 Maniacs rolled into one Dipstick of a Clown ! If you have to do another interview it should be called What to Do with Liz.

            1. 4


              The comments on the Channel 10 comments section about Elizabeth Scherer aren’t any more flattering.
              Her pathetic attempt to draw attention to herself is the same thing that got her into trouble when she presided over the Cruz Case. It’s pretty clear she has a deep seated insecurity problem brought on by a lot of things, some more apparent than others.

      2. 5


        More successful?? She’s not successful. It’s pathetic to think she is. Or was.

        And none of this is jealousy you twit. It’s the offloading of years of frustration at the injustices we were all forced to witness at her hands. It is the satisfaction of knowing that the karmic returns really do happen during your lifetime sometimes.
        This woman took pleasure in hurting people. No one is jealous of that. We’re happy to have her gone, and just wish she’d stay that way.

          1. 0


            Common opportunist without a care for the victims of that tragic event in which 17 young students lost their lives. Very poor taste and unbecoming of any human being thinking beyond themselves.
            I didn’t have any real opinion of this woman until I digested the impropriety of this action.

          2. 2


            Just because a girl spends a little too much on hand cream, is partial to lip filler, and doesn’t shy away from a bikini wax doesn’t make her all bad.
            Some girls just aren’t cut out to become judges, even in Broward where lack of judicial temperament makes for a good rodeo !
            Cut her some slack.

        1. 3


          I don’t know- it just seems you are obsessed and jealous. You spend a lot of time and effort thinking about her.

      3. 0



      4. 3


        It doesn’t look like she’s very successful at much considering how she got to the bench in the first place. Politics is a grueling game with unintended consequences. In her case it just magnified her own inabilities.

  8. 6


    The same person who would cancel court at the drop of a hat? Who would keep everyone waiting for hours? Who put her spoiled brat routine ahead of everyone else’s time for years? Do the right thing? Go away? Bwahahahahahahaha.

    1. 7


      She took a judgeship she didn’t earn. She squandered it too. Zero gratitude. Or compassion. Or hard work. Great lawyers never have a chance. Because of people like her.

      1. 4


        If you can’t take the heat – get out of the kitchen. And so she did. I can’t blame her for that. Broward Courts are a mess with no oversight or proper management by a chief judge who is more interested in getting his picture taken than in improving a deplorable situation !
        She should never have been assigned the case with as little experience as she has.

  9. 4


    Liz is about as interesting as when you find a wart growing on your nose. She skipped out under fire with the only bucket of BS she brought with her.

  10. 3


    She ran from work when she was a SA and it’s obvious she couldn’t take the heat as a judge either. Then when she got bopped by the JQC she cracked and resigned rather than face the music.

    1. 0


      Liz must have a mental problem. She should seek professional help instead of grandstanding. I guess she didn’t have any other options but to run back to daddy.

  11. 2


    Even a blind monkey can recognize just how pathetic Liz Scherer has become in her desperate attempt to revamp her reputation.

  12. 15


    She just can’t put it behind her but no amount of revisionist history can clean up the disastrous consequences of her actions during the trial. The interview was downright embarrassing to watch.

  13. 0


    Mr. Weekes got rid of one of the most incompetent and lazy Judges in Broward history. Why doesn’t BACDL give him a Gulkin?

  14. 2


    Weeks had nothing to do with it. Scherer did it to herself and ran like a dog with her tail between her legs from the JQC. Her incompetence and laziness caught up with her. If it hadn’t been the Cruz case that topped it off, it would have been something else. They’ve been looking at her since she pulled her disappearing act during and after Covid . She’s been on a downward slide before she showed her incompetence during the trial. The fact is, she just couldn’t take the heat. Some people can’t. Then you have many other Broward Judges that just do the slide without her excuse. She was never cut out for it from the get go.

  15. 3


    How many total cases did she try as a Criminal Judge? How many days did miss? How many Fridays off? How many afternoons did she work? Why doesn’t the newsmen cover the real story?

  16. 0




    1. 34


      To all ASAs that work in that cesspool just remember in the end all you have is your ethics and the oath you swore to. If you see or hear something corrupt going on in your office, you have a duty to report it. I’m not saying this will be an easy situation for you because this office is way more corrupt than it was under Satz, and Pyror and his minions have no problem with allowing a man to wrongfully go to his death and will try and disparage you an any way possible . All they care about is winning! They will attack you and call you a liar and anything else they can drag up. I’ve been a defense attorney for over 30 years, and I remember what that office tried to do to Alu when she spoke the truth and how that played out for everyone who lied and now under Pryor what this office is now doing to ASA Boutros. You can remain silent but the defendants blood will forever be on your hands and lies have a way of coming out. Pryor is a liar and a fraud. Karma will get Pryor just like what happened in the Gardiner/Sheinberg case. Kaplan dead, Schienberg disbarred 2 years now stage 4 cancer and the worse of them Gardiner disbarred for life and now a disgrace to legal community. In the end, Pryor and his little minions lies will come out. He’s a disgrace and karma will bite all of them in the ass too. It’s just a matter of time because Pryor has no clue how many of his so called private conversations have been tape recorded and overheard and who is listening and watching him. I won’t feel sorry for any of them especially that little blowhard Justin who should have come out of the closet long ago. Buckle up you bunch of liars. This is going to be epic! Judge Murphy should recuse that entire office. If not, he will surely be embarrassed when the whole truth finally comes out.

      1. 3


        A real fruit ball with a clueless demeanor makes for a bad mix. Justin has been lost his entire career as a paper poof ! He’s not fooling anybody.

  17. 9


    And as I end my campaign, I say if there’s one less chick walking around with a dick, then all the time, expense, and effort was well spent.

    1. 14


      I don’t think his supporters are morons. I think they were good people that believed in a “moron” that lied to them and promised them things he knew would not happen. The black and Hispanic voters are not stupid and have no intention of supporting him again.

      1. 6


        No reason to over think the situation. They voted based upon race. Nothing more. Broward has become politically polarized.

  18. 4


    Honestly Pryor screwed that office up beyond repair. I don’t know anyone who wants to take on fixing up that fucked up office. It would take a miracle to fix that place now. Pryor’s legacy will be the Governor and the legislature stepping in and making it much easier to put a person to death and the governor stuck bond reform up his ass too.

    1. 2


      It always was beyond repair. it was no accident, mistake or inadvertence. It is a corrupt organization where truth is a bad thing and subjects you to ridicule and worse. Changing colors did/does nothing.

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