Tom Morse emailed earlier today to update on Myron Rosner’s situation with his service dog, Winter, and Dennis Bailey.
Apparently we missed the fact that Bailey last week had banned the dog from future hearings. Today, however, Tom emailed the following to JAABLOG:
“I just received a call from the JA to Judge Dennis Bailey withdrawing their order to ban Mr. Rosner’s service animal in his Courtroo(m)”
That’s good news, and great work by Morse. Now we’re only waiting on the transcript, which should become available shortly, and will be posted to paint the full picture of what went down.
NYT – Ordeal of Woman Who Gave Birth In Broward Jail Cell Prompts Internal Investigation
Seriously? Banned?
Move over, Shelly Schapiro.
Dear Chief Justice, today I write for a special disbursement to buy milk bones, wee wee pads, and ceramic paw print water bowls. I withdraw my budgetary request for seat fillers as the ADA issue is a priority and there are fewer Investitures on the horizon
ADA. Been around since 1992. GHWB. Expanded by GW. Someone is going to make a bundle. All the hours they’ll put in. Federal lawsuit. The courthouse has a lot of barrier issues on the east side and this judge shows that he’s not been properly trained. Unless he gets demoted to traffic court in early June Multiple ADA guys are waiting to file a federal accommodations claim on behalf of any handicapped person. They can cite policy and this courthouse can treat people fairly. Especially the handicapped. $400k in fees? $500k? The county goes to trial it’s done. It’s reputation is already horrible. Sad state of affairs for the fair jurists, State Attorneys & APDS (I’ll leave our elected PD as he thinks “sometimes you need a white guy” for clerk. A “Black” man will be better to Run the PD. Wonder who he’ll endorse for dog-catcher? An “ugly” person as they “understand” dogs.) Jeez. Wish I almost wish that I never heard of this site. I keep coming back to read. Its a great platform for free speech. And very interesting.
Howard isn’t racist! Black Man should run the public defender. They are in line! And Howard never said a “white man” should run the clerks office. Just setting things straight!!!!
“The woman, Tammy Jackson, 35, woke up with painful contractions around 3 a.m. on April 10 and started to bang on the door of her Broward County jail cell, screaming for help, said a lawyer representing her, Gordon Weekes Jr. She ended up spending seven hours without medication or seeing a doctor, he said.
“She was forced to crouch down and just catch the baby,” Mr. Weekes said in an interview. “That is offensive to humanity for her to have to do that.””
Yeah, I am sure Gordon was representing her when she was just another pd client before she her story could be made into a tv movie. How many visits did you make to her before this incident Gordon? LOL. Did anyone from your office see this woman before she gave birth to know he was pregnant and may be in need of help? Why did it take so much time after the incident to report it to the Sheriff?
Usual PDO, always grandstanding and complaining yet doing little more than spewing hot air when it comes to actually effectuating change. Gordon and Howard dont want change because then they would have nothing to grandstand about.
At some point after a decade of Howard/Gordon letters crying about this or that, things are worse than ever. Clearly, they have no influence and get little done once the tv cameras are gone. The again, maybe that is how they like it.
There is something desperately wrong in Broward County. The cruelty or incompetence is on display in every area of officialdom. Courts, Clerk, Sheriff, State.
Chief Judge Tuter should resign. A new Chief Judge could send a signal to all areas that a fresh start is needed. The Chief Judgeship is a bellwether for our community. Change is long overdue.
SOE too
As if being a paraplegic wouldn’t have been enough. Geez.
I don’t care what the guy in the wheelchair did. He has a right to accommodations. Those dogs are well trained. The judge should be removed or sent to traffic court. Watch what happens next. Then they’ll send him off. After each judge completed a dozen hours of training. $250,000.00 spent on policy review & reform in the crooked courthouse. Plus maybe $250,000.00 in fees. What a disaster this will be!!
He should be removed from Criminal and banning the dog in contrast to law after accepting the reprimand should then be taken off the bench.
Take his chair too and make him crawl across the ridiculous bridge connecting the courthouses.
After his reprimand the FL SC will just give him another date to return while he is already up there.
Depending what’s on the transcript and what others may be willing to come forward now he may get the boot. He obviously didn’t learn anything from the toothless “punishment” they agreed to. They must be sick of Broward by now. They should send a message.
What a dick. Seriously, what a dick! I mean, a paraplegic rolls into your courtroom with a service dog… for fuck’s sake why wouldn’t you just err on the side of caution. Especially because you just got into trouble for being a dick!
Anyone else hear the dog alerts him when his colostomy bag is full?
Hey bill, you want a news story, here’s one for you to investigate on. Take a look at the staffing levels at the jail, they are at a critical point. Take that and run with it.
Ha Ha,, yeah right! I always see 4 or 5 jail deputies sitting around inside the control room doing nothing but eating.
Hey, why not get off your fat black ass, stop playing the ‘victim’ and just go get my client for his interview!
How about this marvelous idea. Get your client out of jail. Oh wait that would take actual lawyering which from the sounds of it you suck at it.
I don’t know what being black or white has to do with it but it is true every single time a pre-pull is asked for they say no and then are sitting around eating takeout.
Get the clown a dog collar! A shock collar might be your best bet. Broward judges need a wake up call. Most couldnt make it as lawyers so the half baked ones become judges here.
Then reversed his order so now the paraplegic can bring the dog to court? What happened someone told him the optics would look bad to the FL SC? It’s called robe fever. Personified. Some judges are never cured. Until removed.
Grow a pair:
This is fair game to say because Dennis talked about it on the campaign trail, his son is a child with special needs. I understand how one could be ignorant to the needs of those with special needs when you don’t have experience with it in your life, but to have someone with special needs in your life and go after a service dog, is sad.
They keep him in Criminal after what he did the first time? Seriously? Why do they always pour gas on fires?
Lebow had a special needs dog she used to bring into the courthouse all the time until it found its way into Weinstein’s chambers and ate all his jelly doughnuts ! LOL
What’s the big deal ? Dennis has a chip on his shoulder that won’t be knocked off until the JQC starts doing its job. The guy’s a blockhead that couldn’t make it in private with his buddy Loe and they both came crawling back to suck at the public trough again, only this time, even harder. Now that he’s about to receive a reprimand, he’s got to share the rub with everybody that comes before him. Typical Broward Judge stuff. Sounds to me like he’s the one that should be wearing a flea collar….
What Would Tim Do
Pause and think before you speak. Let the clam wisdom of your brother wash over you.
Maybe they’ll “investigate” that too.
It’s time we give her the negative publicity on this blog she so deserves and it’s time for Tootie to finally send her to civil again or better yet for the voters to get rid of her
She’s by far the most disrespectful and unprofessional judge on the bench. And that’s saying a lot in the Broward Wild West
She cannot grasp the simplest of legal concepts. I’ve seriously had better luck teaching my 7 year old niece the basics of the criminal justice system
She throws tantrums and runs away to chambers everyday …my toddlers throw less tantrums than her
Her dockets frequently take until 1:00pm partly because she is so incompetent, and partly because of all her breaks
She does illegal stuff everyday, children do a better job of following classroom rules than she does at following the law
Whachu you tombout Willis?
McCarthy was just given the esteemed “Irish mom of the Year” brownnosey trophy award from Ahearn and his corny little group called The Emerald Society
Wow. Mom of the Year! She must be a great Mom. That being said My daughter got me a coffee mug says Best Dad Ever. So I’m winning!! But if only I can get a mug from this special Emerald parenting society….
Maybe he’ll get more than a reprimand. It’s gotten so ridiculous that judicial college should feature testing with all the Broward judges abysmal behavior as examples.
True or False you should not use ambien before driving to court and hit a parked patrol car as you enter the judicial parking lot?
True or False you should not threaten the court interpreter?
True or False you should not ban a paraplegics service dog from court? True or False you should allow a continuance in a case where the lawyer states his mother in law is dying in hospice and he has no childcare for his child? True or False you should not order the lawyer to appear in court for trial with his child and offer to have your niece watch his child? True or False you should not disparage and humiliate lawyers that appear before you daily for sport?
It is okay for a Judge Howard Coates to pretend to have people present in the court, to write court orders for victims that were never in court, on counterfeited police letter head provided by pay for play court contractors, as reports not on record by the police to shut down investigations into child trafficking.
Jeff’s Baby Sitting
These are serious abuses and will not be addressed.
Our leaders designed the abuses as a form of crowd controls through terror.
Focusing on The Mundane is Paramount.
Besides, The JQC and Bar are focused on other endeavors.
Dennis Bailey is nothing more than a blowhard, pompous, self important black robe fever stupid PUTZ. Nothing more and nothing less. If he was in private practice he would starve to death, so instead he became an incompetent judge sucking a living off of the Broward county taxpayers.
Breaking News !!!!!
A Judge, is Not The Court.
Speak Up…..
Dogs are allowed to bite the judge no more than 3 times before the case is dismissed w/prej.
Sounds like a decent defense if they make more charges: I’m deathly afraid of dogs.
OMG. Poor guy. I’m trying to decide what is worse – being a quadriplegic, having D. Bailey as your judge or having this idiot as your attorney. Tom Morse is awful.
True. Morse epitomizes the image of a used car salesman lawyer.
What is the worst law school in America? The absolute bottom – worst of the worst. Google it. Year after year that dishonor belongs to Thomas Cooley Law School.
With a 90% acceptance rate, the average admitted student boasted a 2.8 G.P.A. and scored 138 (9th Percentile) on the LSAT.
What kind of moron goes to this school?
TOM MORSE. Proud graduate of Thomas Cooley Law.
Michael Cohen went to Cooley
I think Regina Tombanakis went to Cooley.
She went to St. Thomas.
St. Thomas = same thing as Cooley or Nova
And didn’t St Thomas only recently become accredited as an actual Law School?
Guarantee she makes far more money than you. Results matter everything else is bs.
3 MORE WEEKS FOLKS. Mark your calendars! JUNE 5 at 9:00a.m.
Live stream! The whole courthouse will stop to watch, courtrooms will be empty, they shouldn’t even bother setting hearings that morning.
This judge said fried chicken. Big deal. The service dog issue is way worse. The handicapped need everyone’s support. Black & White always going to make fun of each other. As long as it’s good natured. But throwing a guy out with a service dog is inhumane to both man & dog. Honestly should be water bowls ready in every courtroom. Why would you try to humiliate a guy like that?
“There was a dream that was Rome.”
All you need is a few jurists make them all look bad & unfair.
Seriously, someone feels good about making unprovoked negative comments about Tom Morse? Really? One of the most competent, professional, and ethical lawyers I know. How can you sleep at night knowing that you have done things like this to another person. It really makes me sick to my stomach.
I agree, it’s super rude but its an anonymous blog. I imagine that as a criminal defense lawyer Tom has seen worse. Personally, I think the picture is nice -and he doesn’t look like any used car salesmen that I have seen.
I agree.
Tom’s a good guy an a fine attorney.
If Tom Morse is “one of the most competent, professional, and ethical lawyers I know”, then you must not know many lawyers.
Everyone at the SAO knows this clown. He asks for a breakdown. When this is denied, he complains about offers, threatens to talk to the supervisor. He takes a few continuances and in the end, he always pleads to whatever the original offer was. He never goes to trial. No one takes him seriously. I feel bad for his clients.
He’s a sharp guy. He must be if whoever’s pretending to be a ASA is jealous of him. If it’s a real ASA they wouldn’t care if he “goes to trial”.
Speaking of law schools, I wish they’d graduate just 40 or so like every medical school class, instead of 4,000 like law schools do.
The Florida Bar is fictional collective led by Satanists who need to install toll booths on breath of every living soul in the state of Florida.
Manufacturing goods, of healing people are simply not in sync with anti-human and destructive behaviors.
Essentially, The Florida Bar serves as Satan’s FL portal.
How about not convincing the bottom of the barrel to go to these schools & waste 100k on tuition only to not pass the Bar for 5,6 years? I know many who gave up. What’s the story with all the new schools anyway? Used to be basically.. in order of rank which used to mean something : 1) UF 2) FSU 3) UM 4) Stetson 5) NSU 6) it wasn’t accredited but St Thomas. I learned there’s a FIU? And more.. what other schools are there now? I did a deposition and a very impolite female defense attorney with a nice dummy tattoo (Classy. Not. …but used to be very pretty if you look at her picture on the Firm’s website. Hard to pull off the tat when you are 10 years older & perpetual scowl takes over your face. Filling in for a much more talented and charming FSU grad. She couldn’t make it. I’d never heard of the school tatted lawyer went to & claimed it was in Florida. A & M?)
St Thomas is a high quality academic institution. Who needs accreditation? After being rejected by every other law school, I made it in to St. Thomas. True, I graduated at the bottom of my class, but I was able to launch a successful legal career which includes being fired from the AG’s office for dishonesty and professional misconduct and later earning all of $800.00 per month in private practice.
Now thanks to St. Thomas and the “we’ll take anyone” policy of the OCCRC, I haven risen to be CIVIL LITIGATION DIRECTOR.
Soon, I will be Clerk of Court.
Vote RICHARD BRIAN-KAPLAN for Clerk of Court. Ensuring liberty and academic incompetence for all.
There is another new super shitty law school that is pumping out any idiot who applies:
Ocean Coastal Law School
Ruby went there (but she makes sure not to mention it on campaign site).
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