The accusations concerning Michelle Suskauer that Anthony D’Amico made to Jimmy Cohn are found in this letter, and here are the exhibits that were also filed with the Clerk.
Below is the overall section of the rule that Cohn referred to:
COMING SOON – Broward SAO PIO says earlier today “a decision should be announced soon” as to whether or not Mike Satz is in, or out …
Clowns, Clowns, Clowns.
She can always work at Legal Aid’s Trafficking Platforms.
Suskauer is past-president of the Palm Beach County Bar Association and the Florida Association for Women Lawyers, Palm Beach County Chapter, and
she currently is president of the Board of Directors of the Legal Aid Society of Palm Beach County
Some cover up for the pedo’s at Legal Aid as a favor, and for future appointments by Michelle.
Lucifer is in charge of The Florida Bar and Legal Aid.
I think there’s something wrong with our women.
Biden 2020
Somebody show this chick the back door !
Why doesn’t the Bar try to shut down Pacer too.
Just walk away from these toxic leaders who spend their time hating. If she wants to help Brenda, drive her to a gym.
The letter and docs are seemingly damming.
I’m not sure how she’ll wiggle out.
Who wised up D’Amico?
Judge James I. Cohn is a Patriot. Due Process matters….
But then, he’s a gift to Florida, from The Great State of Alabama.
That state is full of good, solid and grounded people.
Thanks to Judge James I. Cohn : THE FLAG IS STILL THERE.
We piss on the American flag each and every morning before calendar call.
Did you see Broward Clerk of Court is now so inept that accused first degree murderers are walking out of jail?
They all look alike.
Hey man, we know who is to blame. Bet you do too.
This guy seems to be way in over his head.
Is he for real shacking misdemeanors and municipal ordinances?
Showed his true colors. Will protect his deputy’s first and ask questions later.
Come on. Those deputies that took him to court and back had to know the charges were upgraded. Unless of course they were playing on their phones the whole hearing.
We’ll stop them.
Cohn’s a fair judge.
I think he was moved by the vailed threats made to D’Amico, regarding exposing The Florida Bar President.
Using the position the increase the threat is the normal template for these self-proclaimed beautiful ones of the inner circles.
“All pigs are equal.
But, some pigs are more equal than others”.
– George Orwell’s Animal Farm
Hopefully D’Amico does not get punished for coming forward.
She got the wrong judge. Old guard will be destroyed.
Where is Ruth?
Noe what, exactly, does Sauskauer play in the Bar complaint appellate process heriarchy?
I have not been myself.
As you know I’m The Board chair at Legal Aid, and since Trump’s been elected, we’ve suffered massive shortages of Adreanacrhome.
Please be patient Unaccompanied minors on the way.
No worries Michelle. I still have some personal stash.
Come and snorkel on St James Island.
Hi Michelle,
I tried to keep the victims coming before someone started posting here. My other clients have been complaining for months. Hang in there.
Judge Howard Coates will swing by his cub Scout Den, and Child Net to Hussle up some more. Give Jeffrey my regards.
Thank you Kris.
Maybe we can stop by the elementary schools.
Chuck Shaw always has supplies left over from his DC trips with the children.
I never write reports after getting 10,000.00.
I just extract the work product for Judge Howard Coates, through attorney John Shutz, and Jane Morin, my divorce lawyer, (who now works for Legal Aid as reward for the fabrication evidence, predicated on a counterfeited police report.
As Michelle will tell you, we won’t get referrals if we report child abuses by county officials. Besides, white men need to be robbed. No reports will ever surface, thanks to Judge Coates.
Thank you.
I’m off my meds again.
Nothing to see here.
The one on the right looks like a transvestite.
I thinks its time for us to be more inclusive to out tranny members.
Cut her some slack. The shortages have taken a toll.
I hope the new governor funds our fetish party’s.
Its for the children.
Real News, not on The News.
Legal Aid, Its for the children.
Dark Comms.