The Supreme Court order blessing the JQC’s suspension request for Gina Hawkins is up, together with exhibits that include Robert Grieper’s statement. Grieper, of course, is the recipient of the alleged neck massage, and is pictured in a prior post. Will the video be released soon? Wait and see …
29 thoughts on “Suspended!”
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Hawkins’ legal counsel, Fort Lauderdale attorney David Bogenschutz, told the Daily Business Review he and his client were disappointed with the Florida Supreme Court’s decision.
“That doesn’t affect our decision to continue to contest this, and that’s what we intend to do,” Bogenschutz said, adding a response to the JQC is forthcoming. “The JQC and the Florida Supreme Court has a tendency, thankfully, to move these cases along.”
Awww. You tell’em, Davie.
didn’t he defend that lying kunt gardiner when she finally got nailed for her corruption as a judge and then against the bar, lost and then married it?
Poor guy. He’s a little old to still be making mistakes like that. Lol
I’m watching your ass Mr. Bogushitz.
Our white male deputy cuck’s deserve better.
Of course DB doesn’t thinking lack of candor is a problem and that the punishment is draconian. His wife probably said so too.
Sounds like the last squawk of a desperate plea for mercy.
Only the gig is up and Dave doesn’t carry the prerequisite weight of earlier days to cure this judicial cold.
All the players need to retire to higher ground and take their baggage with them.
Eventually the credibility gap widens past the point of no return.
That’s called the schooled millennial .
Synthetic K-12 Retardation , With a 6 Year Solidification.
Retards every where. Not an accident……
How many judges has he represented that are no longer judges? Maybe the fighting to the bitter end is not the best idea but rather fall on the sword and beg for forgiveness Just a thought.
Arrogance takes most of them down the road of no return. The funny thing is most of them were mediocre attorneys or government gophers before taking the bench and pursued the bench to pay the bills.
Then they wake up one morning thinking they’ve been somehow anointed.
It’s most amazing when one getting a massive pay raise and being set up for life with a disgustingly massive budget busting pension that should be eliminated as an anachronism from a bygone era acts ungrateful and swelled heady to the nth degree instead of praising Jesus for good fortune and asking those more talented and experienced like this supervisor gentlemen for direction and guidance.
The Chief Judge saw the video WEEKS AGO, yet LEAVES THIS JUDGE on the bench, just transfers her to preside over the unfortunates in foreclosure. How come the JQC allows him to visit this extreme danger and denial of equal protection of the law on this entire class of litigants ? He did the same thing with Imperato and Rosenthal!! HE should be suspended for his callous disregard for the safety, welfare and rights of litigants!
There should be an investigation imho.
Some people are different.
Just say chicken and sweet potato and watch what happens.
maybe I shouldn’t feel so bad …
Another one who doesn’t belong on the Bench…. we haven’t heard the last of trouble for this one.
Hawkins is done. Beg, whine or crawl, she can add herself to the long list of Broward lightweight judges who have bit the dust because they couldn’t keep it together while doing the easiest job in the world. It doesn’t take a brain surgeon.
The Judges on Operation Blackmail, and Team Continuity would have never covered for me if I said chicken near a black person.
We need to draw the line somewhere’s.
FLBar member claims he had his underwear on during physical encounters with minors.
The sooner the SC comes down hard on Broward Judges the better our judiciary will perform.
There’s a very real reason Broward has more judges removed from the bench than any other circuit in the state.
Attitude is a choice and Broward Judges should be reminded of that if they want to keep their positions.
Attitude is not a choice for some.
K-12 incubators allow the SJW’s and mind scientists to shape the attitudes as a weapons, and create a 12 year preconditioned mass, of useful idiots.
Here’s the happy ending of another judge’s career:
All cracker’s are racists. They don’t deserve respect.
Judge Moon is also suffering from Black Robe Fever and extreme arrogance, her courtroom is run very poorly with zero regard for the scheduled cases on the docket, cases take hours to be heard, attorneys and clients wait outside for hours, court staff is treated like dirt going without lunch breaks and working late into the evening. Ask any attorney who has the misfortune of having to appear in that courtroom. The judge is extremely arrogant and self centered. Bill Gelin you you to check this courtroom out.
Resignation or retirement should NOT be a ticket out of trouble. If the stunt is pulled, the S. Ct. should use its power to re-instate for prosecution.
Judge Vegina denies everything except the date.