*UPDATE* – SS: Prosecutor’s errant text message triggers mistrial in South Florida murder case (8/17/22)
Corey Gordon’s trial on murder allegations abruptly ended in a mistrial yesterday afternoon, going into its second week. Prosecutor Katya Palmiotto (formerly Pisman) sent the group text pictured below during the trial to a bunch of current and former colleagues, including former judge Gina Hawkins,* and, unfortunately, the presiding judge, Pete Holden.
We’re told Palmiotto failed to bring her error to the attention of Holden or defense attorney Mike Gottlieb, and upon finding the ex parte blurb on his phone in his office during a court recess some time later, the judge was none too pleased. Straight shooter Holden immediately brought the matter to Gottlieb’s attention, asked the defense if they wanted a mistrial, and once affirmed, declared one based upon manifest necessity.
Gottlieb today had no comment, stating he would be following up with additional filings in the days to come …
Speaking of Gina Hawkins – CONDITIONAL GUILTY PLEA FOR CONSENT JUDGMENT (Bar v. Hawkins):
“Ninety-day suspension from the practice of law with
automatic reinstatement … “
HH states, “is this a joke? What is speedy trial?”
Fuking clowns and their hearsay losers
HTU is the joke.
YNW Melly.
Couldn’t have happened to a nastier asa
Agree 100%
Very creepy chick and dumb as they come. Surprised she’s lasted as long as she has.
Why does HP allow her still to represent his reformed office. Oh wait. It’s because there is no reform. She is the true Satz prosecutor. Stuck in her ways.
Everyone else left.
Why didn’t Katiya disclose right away she texted the judge.
Oh, too easy, I’ll tell you! Because she’s a bad person. You guys obviously don’t know about the Katya who was having an affair with a married cop and riding shotgun with him while he was on duty?? And then prosecuting people she was in the car with when they got arrested?? She didn’t follow protocol and get department approval for the ride alongs. She didn’t tell her office she was doing these ride alongs. It was a defense attorney watching discovery videos from inside the police car that saw her stroking the arm of this cop and missing him with a defendant in the back seat. She literally gets off on this shit. And she’s unscrupulous. Of course she wouldn’t disclose. Imagine how much shit she does on the daily and doesn’t get caught. Just like when cops and judges and prosecutors are like “if the cop caught you doing X, how many times were you doing it before and not getting caught?!” And they presume every person who gets in trouble for something is a career criminal whose just gotten lucky. But when a prosecutor gets caught doing sneaky shit and trying to get away with it multiple times…it’s just a one off and you’re reading too much into it. Broward prosecutors are scum. Not all of them…but too many of them. Especially the cop fuckers. Those are the good star scum
Gold star. And kissing him.
It was Patyl who ratted her out. Haha. What a group.
Who is Patyl?
Wrong question. *what is Patyl?
This is wrong and unnecessary. No need to comment on her looks. She is a very pretty woman. Her attitude left a lot to be desired- but there is no need to comment like that. It is mean and contributes nothing.
Who said this comment had anything to do with her looks. I wrote it. I think she’s pretty too. I was referencing her nasty attitude and general weird, peculiar awfulness. But way to tell on yourself. Not sure why your mind went straight to looks.
Ok. Sorry I misread it. Her attitude is horrible. I can agree to that. She also wasn’t a very good lawyer, even though she thought she was amazing.
After this blows over I think I’ll run for judge …
It was zaccor and pascal that directed katya not to disclose. A stellar group
I love how prosecutors, the guys who think they’re the justice seekers and protectors of humanity, are the most morally bankrupt. They are definitely the assholes who don’t return their carts at the grocery store. They NEVER do the right thing when no one is watching and are always trying to get away with shit. And they have the audacity to feign moral superiority for a living. It’s disgusting.
Prosecutors are like the high school football star turned used car salesman turned cop who peaked in high school—except the prosecutors still haven’t peaked. They’re chasing their peak through professional misconduct. Hoping that winning cases (by CHEATING) will get them the recognition they’ve always craved. When all the cards are stacked in your favor and all the judges are ex prosecutors and you have u limited resources…AND YOU STILL HAVE TO BE SNEAKY AND CHEAT to win…then you’re not good at what you do. You are going to be chasing that peak forever. And it’s never gonna come. And you’re going to take stock of your life one day and realize you lived a life just as bad as that lady who wrongfully accused Emmett Till. You are just as bad as her. This sounds hyperbolic, but think about it. It’s not.
You know how there’s a bunch of prosecutors monitoring jaab? The down votes on these comments. We all know these statements to be true. Only prosecutors would down vote these.
These aren’t the droids you are looking for. mmmmm-kay.
I am an old prosecutor and I return my grocery carts.
Here’s the difference. You used to be a prosecutor—you did the job for experience or whatever. Or maybe you loved the work. But you eventually left, for one reason or another. Maybe for more money, maybe because the vibe was off. Whatever. But the lifers are a different breed. They are the ones who wouldn’t leave for more money. Or they would leave and come back. Why? Because they are addicted to the power. Addicted to the innate powerful thuggery of being a hired government “law man.” Getting to lie cheat and fuck people under blessing of the crown. Those guys are different from the guys who used to be prosecutors. Those guys (and gals) are scary. Scary.
True or false: text message was pulled back?
No worry, Vagina to the rescue in 90 days. Move over Zaccor.
Jeff Marcus: “They smile about what he’s saying, and it’s really, this is about nothing as far as we are concerned.”
They were absolutely dating at the time. And they found out protocol wasn’t being followed—the department didn’t know she was in the car. He could have and should have gotten a suspension for that. Why are you hiding an innocent and routine ride along? Oh because you’re married and this isn’t a ride along. It’s a date.
How does HP not fire her?
Always thought she had a screw loose. As far as the sexy stuff, there’s a reason her nickname is Cat Scratch Fever ! Lol
She’s always been a mess.
Remember when she lied in her reply to the bar, after she had a chance to watch the video, and doubled down saying she never put hands on this clerk. Then when the bar called her out on the absurdity, she said she was crying so hard while watching the video that she must not have seen the touching through the tears. Hahahah. This woman’s husband is also a church pastor. The bold faced lie is somehow sweeter with that information. HP better not bite her back. For the love of god. Don’t we have enough lying ass prosecutors?
Ninety Whacks for a consummate Whackjob
Broward Judges are a breed all their own
One you want to avoid
Vagina’s pic resembles that of a Klingon warrior from star trek
I hope Pryor doesn’t rehire her.
Garbage like this personal attack is what diminishes any credibility this blog would otherwise have. It is not funny and is mean spirited. I mean, how old is the author? What grade is s/he in? It is also indicative of the kind of cowardly punk that the author is – very easy to anonymously attack how s/he thinks someone looks. Wonder if he or her would say the same thing to Gina Hawkins’ face, or in an open forum where s/he couldn’t hide behind a keyboard and own such a disgusting statement . . .
OAN, I personally like Mike Gottlieb, but a Motion to Disqualify Judge Murphy because his daughter works at SAO does not have the same bite it would otherwise have, since he didn’t move to disqualify Judge Holden for the same reason. If memory serves me correctly, Judge Holden used to be a homicide prosecutor (why he was on the text group to begin with) and his wife currently works for SAO . . . IJS
An innocuous text message. It shouldn’t have been an issue at all. If immediately disclosed. Hawkins too. The same problem. A simple mistake becomes a big problem. Because people can’t own up to their simple mistakes.
Don’t you think that the lawyer didn’t know that she sent it to the Judge? Look at the tone. Nobody would sent this disrespectful text to a Judge. She had to have thought that it was going to a different group.
Yeah all the more reason to fess up. In the abundance of caution. That’s the problem with these types of law guys. Cops included. An innocuous thing becomes a fucking thing because they can’t own any mistakes. Not the smallest one. This is what they mean when the say the cover up is worse than the crime. The coverup shows your willingness to lie cheat and conceal. The initial nothing text would have been nothing if she immediately said “hey Mike my bad I sent this text…”
Top 5 things to do while bored in Homicide trial:
1. Tell the Judge and his friends that he stinks via text.
2. Remind Secretary to file notice of intent to seek death on other cases (if it’s not too late).
3. Check Jaab to see if Gelin’s back.
4. Buy Taylor Swift swag.
5. Watch Parkland live feed to see how real prosecutors behave.
Weird azz chick. She probably thinks she’s still KGB ! LOL
Raunchy move by the prosecutor in this case. Raunchy office. Raunchy Asa’s. Mike Gottlieb for State Attorney please.
Gottlieb’s a douche bag. he already “prosecutes” his clients without the title. He’s a big fan of prosecutorial misconduct against his clients and believes it needs continued protection.
The fuck are you talking about? What does prosecuting his clients even mean?
Interesting that no one is the least concerned that an ASA has in her group chat a sitting judge – in front of whom she currently has a case.
Right!! It had to be a relatively recent group chat for it to be the most recent one for her to send a text to. Anyone in active group chats knows this. She was actively texting in a chat with Holden for who knows how long. If I’m Holden, im granting that motion to dismiss, because I feel like Gottlieb’s next move is subpoenaing his phone…
Same prosecutor who used to get in front of the room and shout vagina repeatedly, calling it advocacy.
Her weirdness and Unprofessionalism are (Finally!) catching up with her. She should start circulating the resume now.
Context please. Are you referring to when she was in SBU? What would you rather she had said to describe the female anatomy? one wonders????
Katya is a sincerely disgusting moronic animal. This is neither surprising nor out of character. Pitiful creature.
Face it, because she’s had to: Katya is no deep dive. Just another self absorbed bimbo who craves the attention she never got as a child, or from anybody else for that matter. Now she’s just trying her best to live up to her reputation as a complete idiot for everybody to clearly see.
If you’re an ASA (or god forbid a secretary) who complained about Katya, please contact HR to make sure it was documented appropriately. I’d hate to see 15 years of abusing interns, other lawyers, and secretaries and inappropriate relationships with defense attorneys/cops/supervisors just get her a suspension. She needed to be terminated when Harold took office and the longer he waits, the worse it looks.
So what you’re saying is
She’s repeatedly committed boorish behavior for years yet flown under the radar. Funny how everyone says the same thing about her, yet
it has to culminate to something downright unethical that compromises the judicial process before anyone considers doing anything.
99% not the first time, nor first group text tactic
Why do these group texts even exist?
OMG- there is nothing wrong with group texts you dinosaur. What was wrong is for her to have texted the judge (even by mistake) and not disclosed it.
Aways worse than the mistake —the cover upp.
Ok, so Katya’s little mistake has made national news—does she get fired now or what??