UPDATE @ 5:30 PM:


Should judges who have committed ethical violations be permitted to appear via Zoom for their public reprimands?

Should the Supreme Court allow them to hang their heads in shame from the comfort of a location of their choosing, given the ongoing public health emergency?

Or should public reprimands in the age of Covid-19 go forward or be reset to a safer date, so errant judges can appear like all other Judicial Canon violators live and in-person before the full body of Florida’s highest court?

Scott Cupp and Richard Howard, set for reprimands in Tallahassee on September 1st and 2nd, respectively, have both filed motions asking to take their medicine via Zoom.

(click the names above to read the motions)

Will the Supreme Court dispense with years of tradition, and the added punishment component of a public reprimand actually occurring in public on humbling, unfriendly terrain, by allowing an electronic appearance? Or should the motions be denied, given the sheer number of everyday ordinary people/litigants/jurors and staff compelled to come to court daily during the pandemic for things like misdemeanor jury trials with out of custody defendants?




  1. 8


    Maybe if the Supreme Court had these judges have to pay for having their reprimands streamed to the public it would be more palatable to “the people”. I am sure that it is embarrassing to have to appear in person before the Supreme Court, but the travel should not be the deciding factor here. A public reprimand should be public. As to the last question, the Supreme Court needs to be brought into the 21st century, maybe this will help. Its “tradition” is for the silk stocking bar anyway, what does the Bar do for the majority of attorneys other than take their money every year?

    1. 15


      The sacred duty and reputation of The Court is what they’ve abused and they should have to be reminded of how heavy a responsibility is owed by standing in the top Courtroom of Florida for punishment. The Supreme Courtroom is built impressively for just this reason. They brought dishonor to The Court and need to be reminded of it by being in it so it’ll never happen again.

  2. 11


    A reprimand is so embarrassing for the judge whether in person or on zoom. The whole experience from the initial complaint to the final findings seems to be a great deterrent to any re-occurrences of the disciplined behavior. For months the news repeats the claims against the judge until reprimand. That’s gotta be tough to face. Whether by zoom or in person the judge being reprimanded faces the court, literally, and the whole sordid experience is videotaped. That’s all very damning. To force the reprimand to be in person only puts lives in jeopardy at this time. Consistency is what the court’s should be doing now. If all cases are on zoom, unless due process requires otherwise, then bar and judicial disciplinary reprimands should also be on zoom.

    Also, while I may agree that in-person hearings should not be held at this time, it seems that if the courthouse wasn’t open people would be complaining about that instead. No one is ever happy. An open courthouse with judges and court personnel forced to be in the building does seem unsafe with the new surge in cases. Strange how the Broward courthouse was closed when the covid numbers were much lower. Right now Broward county is #1 in cases and everyone is back in the building. That makes little sense. Well at least we get to continue to zoom from home/office.

    1. 17


      In my opinion, every public reprimand should be a media broadcast like a public perp-walk. No telling how many other complaints were dismissed and buried, like Gardiner’s, to get to this point. Scumbag judges never learn. Like scumbag Satz, they just find more creative ways to abuse, then deny.

        1. 10


          We live in a world woefully short of humble behavior and Tuter drives that point home. Jack Tuter is a fool. His ceremonial courtroom struggle was pretty pathetic.

  3. 28


    Don’t look for consistency in a circuit in crises. There’s no leadership and judges are skipping out on the taxpayers dime anyway.

  4. 9


    One of them was trying to stop a lawyer from running against another Judge. That’s low.

  5. 22


    Judges know they can do anything with no repercussions so this seals it stay at home or sit on your own Bench and get yelled at (pants optional if it’s Zoom). That’s why they’re going after one Judge out of 100’s in a political witch hunt for supposed absenteeism when they could pull the security cards on certain Judges in Broward and other places that everyone knows are never around and remove the lot except that’s not practical especially if they’re political hires to begin with.

  6. 16


    If we give them discretion then we’ll have nothing to do but try cases and nobody here wants that

  7. 19


    I spent 44 years building the perfect wrecking ball and Pryor overturns everything with one Zoom meeting!

  8. 5


    I solemnly swear to start making some legitimate changes in about 7 months from today

    1. 6



  9. 4


    Sorry Clerk Forman but after today all public meetings will be held in the Forever Chief Tuter Courtroom in front of Chief Tuter’s Forever 20×30 Glossy

  10. 18


    Tuter is an unmitigated idiot with a chip on his shoulder. Scherer was right to dump the duffis.

  11. 4


    Does Pryor really need Satz for Parkland that bad? Even Rossman said he would get rid of Satz. Give the idiot life. Give us raises with all the savings.

    1. 17


      The case in Satz’s hands will cost the taxpayers many millions more than necessary while he overdoes every little detail. That’s how he’s treated every show trial gimme case he’s handled his entire career as the SA. This one is the biggest yet and it happened on his watch to boot. The PD is pleased as punch he’s on it. Their job is to keep the case going forever and they know Mike’s the man to do exactly that. Expect a trial in 2023. By then Mike will be ready for retirement and his team will have had the added benefit of making a lot of money. Whether the conviction will stick is anyone’s guess as well because Judge Scherer is inexperienced on DP cases. I don’t think she did one as an ASA either? The whole thing is a mess. I feel badly for the victims and their families.

  12. 17


    I too find Jack Tuter’s constant search for recognition for a rather lackluster attempt as Chief Judge, somewhat pathetic. If he had ever devoted as much time to this Circuit as he has to lobbying county commissioners to have a ceremonial courtroom named after him, he would have had the thanks of everyone who works in the Broward County Courthouse.
    As it is, I think he has embarrassed himself more than anything else. He obviously lacks a great deal of sincerity with the way he has pursued this topic.

    1. 13


      Has anyone considered this man may need this courtroom dedicated to himself because he feels inadequate and needs a boost up,,given he’s the only Chief Judge who is constantly scrutinized negatively on a blog??

      1. 8


        Good point. Chief Judges in Broward are lucky. I don’t think there’s this type of oversight anywhere in Florida. Or in the USA. Or the world.

      2. 16


        I have even less respect for Judge Tuter now than I did before. He’s done nothing to improve this Circuit except come up with lame excuses for badly behaving judges under his admin and has made an utter fool of himself this time in pathetically chasing after an idiotic ceremonial courtroom named after himself. People will remember this horse’s azz for a long time and it won’t be for anything he’s managed to name after himself. It will be for the horrible job he’s done as CJ in a Circuit that has so much potential, but instead is filled with self-glorified and characterless buffoons.

  13. 1


    It’s me again!

    Daddy$$$ says I’m a 10 out of 10 and most definitely the hottest thing in the courthouse by far. I’m super special.

    Anyway- off to practice hurricane law! Bye!!

      1. 1


        Looks pretty damn hot to me 10/10 at least he has a really nice head of hair and a gorgeous face. Yep I would definitely do him.

      1. 0


        Is that her height or rating. Maybe you add a couple of her muff diving friends and you can add two points!

    1. 0


      Speaking of Hurricanes TONY THE BUCKET MAN HONICKMAN— 80 million people are without power and you’re finding ten year olds pictures of Marla?
      If she were to practice Hurricane law she’d do it way better than your wife anyway.

    2. 5


      Can we all take a moment and thank the blue collar bucket workers risking their lives ever day so we can post on this blog

      1. 0


        Successful family law lawyers have clients, go to court and have retainer agreements. They get paid with checks and credit cards. Then there are those who get paid through ….venmo.

        At least daddy$$$ taught Marla how to sign a retainer agreement and swipe a credit card, among other things…

        We can rest assured that when the next hurricane comes through that we at least have an “expert” on hurricane law….it’s all good guys- you are covered!!

  14. 6


    Eric has been pimping for dosh so long he wouldn’t know whats hot or not … Makeup for men don’t get it anymore.

  15. 19


    Went to Conte last night, and they have 5 units on quarantine lockdown.

    I see these big-ass TVs in all these courtrooms with hi-tech 360 degree zoom cameras that are mostly gathering dust and going unused.

    Is Tuter going to make all the judges turn on their zooms consistent with the SC administrative order? I’m looking at you, McCarthy, Bailey, and Usan! (Come on, Boomers… even Kollra can figure it out!)

    1. 15


      Not if it costs votes.

      How hard is it to see who’s on quarantine?

      How hard would it be to search it out the day before court and set on ZOOM for the next day’s hearing?

      Isn’t that what the Constitution would say?

      Instead of scratching and resetting for whenever?

      What says BACDL?

      1. 9


        The point is that we’re still reaching new peaks in this pandemic. We have the technology available to handle EVERYTHING remotely. If they have 5 units on quarantine from 1 facility, that should be a HUGE RED FLAG that we shouldn’t be bringing any of these people over in the middle of a pandemic.

  16. 24


    Countryman last day is today so LEO Affairs get your ticket books ready! He won’t be missed!!

  17. 19


    A real Mental Case if there ever was one !!! Was always concerned if I had to share an elevator with that DB. Hope he moves far far away. Stunk as an attorney and his communication skills were that of a lower primate. Why he was ever brought back was a total mystery to many people when what he really needed was to be put in solitary confinement at South Florida State Hospital.

  18. 9


    I think maybe you’re being a little hard on Countryman.
    Enjoy your retirement John. You’ve earned it.

  19. 5


    Dear John, you were one of the weirdest pooper scoopers to ever occupy a place in this Chit House. Now go alone into the void and don’t bother to write. No one will answer.
    You reap what you sow and you were always bad seed.

  20. 0


    **To the Adams Family Theme**

    Post pics & get them rated.
    Yes everyone you dated.
    Girls in the courthouse graded.
    It’s Courthouse Hot or Not
    do-do, do-do, 🤌🤌

  21. 1


    Let me get this straight, kids needed mental health counseling when they went to virtual learning from home because of the isolation from their peers. Now kids need mental health counseling because they are back in school? What happen to the kid that thought going to school was a normal part of their life? If we would have pulled this ridiculous shit when were kids our parents would have beat our ass.

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