SS: ASK LOIS: Why hasn’t the old Broward courthouse been demolished yet?
JQC’d, Bar suspended attorney to train prosecutors:



Email to the SAO’s PIO at 1:33 PM:
… (H)ave Brady Notices regarding Detective Moretti of Miramar gone out regarding the allegations brought by ASA Boutros and sent in the Jamell Demons case on any other case involving Detective Moretti?
If yes, when?
If no, why not?
We’re told Moretti was a witness in an Armed Trafficking trial last month that resulted in a mistrial, without a Brady Notice, and that even Demons’ co-defendant, represented by Fred Haddad, may not have received any notices.
Additionally, Gordon Weekes reported earlier this afternoon that the Public Defender’s Office has not received any notices concerning Moretti and the Demons’ issues.
We’ll be sure to update when the SAO responds to our questions …
COMING SOON – State v. Demetrius Denmark …
Wasn’t this thing like a year before the media coverage?
Is that Fred sleeping at the helm again. Plea n flea. The ol boy days are over.
Sleeping? His client hasn’t even gone to trial yet, you idiot.
It’s flee- not flea- how dumb are you- and you don’t know Fred- he’s not going to just plea a case out.
Another screwed up Death Penalty Broward special.
It seems like every time there’s a high profile case it’s a circus.
Uh oh. Governor Desantis is watching them hack their way through another nationally televised death case?
SAO’s Training Dream Team…
Vagina: How to commit a battery on video and lie about it while being a Judge
Zaccor: How to get suspended as head of unit aftwr be booted from the bench
Hendrickson: How to lose a homicide to speedy
Honowitz: How to shoplift in the presence of your minor child
Bradley: How to lose your bar license
Haha but why are they letting inexperienced lawyers try death cases when experienced ones like Hawkins and Neuner etc are in do nothing divisions? Why doesn’t HP put the muscle back in HTU?
Katya texted the Judge.
Cat scratch fever chick ! Psycho in a can.
Pretty much sums it up.
My cover’s blown. Now they’re sure to realize I never retired.
What about Peter Sapak losing the “blow job” defense???
Talk about a total moron ! Sapak should pack it in and while he’s at it change his Tampax.
You would have thought that’s one he should have won ! LOL
Major lightweight. What we call a two finger Jimmy. A real hose job.
Vagina can teach them to lie and hide misconduct.
Hawkins will have a blunt, hands on approach I’m sure.
I’d like a blunt. Please share.
Rule 1: no cameras.
Rule 2: grab em by the ….neck
The degree of ego driven testosterone within some of the women within the state attorney’s offices makes you wonder whether gender identification isn’t a real question to be explored in greater depth. Only some of these twats lack any reasoning ability to accompany it …
Get a life and a boyfriend peaches.
A woman must have really fucked you up for you to hate women so much. Please go see a therapist about your mommy issues.
So let me get this straight. Bradley sends a Brady notice saying she inadvertently told her bosses it was this detective Moretti it was joke. Huh? Does she still work there? This is some shady shit.
It’s always the same stupidity. They should’ve disclosed it a year ago. When it happened. It’s a bunch of nothing. The mother’s phone added nothing. But now it’s a mountain of doubt. The cover up is always worse than the crime. These inexperienced boobs are dealing with Fred and Stu. Why help the masters sow even more doubt. Be honest. It’s a cliche, sure. But transperancy always avoids creating bigger, stupider problems. Just ask Gardiner. Or Rosenthal. Or the new head trainer at the SAO.
There’s a reason why decent Law Schools only teach Federal caselaw.
The favorite term in ASA office is “inadvertent”.
Just read past Sun Sentinel articles. Court transcripts are riddled with this word by the ASA. Plausible deniability of maybe negligence not intent. Bull Feathers.
What a joke. Such standard SAO repeated conduct is admissible as habit and pattern evidence of deceit, beyond accident mistake or INADVERTENCE demonstrates intent. Call it exactly what it is.
Omg judge wants to know why Bradley isn’t in court “Find her!”
She’s conferring with Kevin Tynan. Lol.
If the SAO has nothing to hide why is that ASA sitting up there objecting to Boutros from testifying. Wtf is going on with that office? They look like horrible liars. Wow!!
Right. If I’m a juror im voting guilty on Bradley and administration.
They don’t look like liars they are liars!!!!!!
Never knew what was the worst liar cops or ASA both were the same fleas in a rug.
Two or more doing some act or acts in furtherance of the same criminal goal is Conspiracy.
The fact that they tried to let Bradley be inside the court room for this testimony is amazing. The state is forever trying to get unfair advantages using disingenuous arguments. As if they don’t already have every single advantage.
If I train them to bungle, they shall bungle!
You guys can’t blame Satz; this is 100 percent on Pryor!!
True. Why would they put inexperienced lawyers on a case like this? And especially when it’s Stewart Adelstein?
Nope- Zaccor and Silverstein went back to the old Brady playbook and applied the Satz definition. Guess those morons missed Bradygate number 1.
Pryor and Faulk hiding in their office 😂😂😂 Murphy should hold Bradley on contempt
He won’t. I feel like he’s protecting his daughter’s office. Because why are they not getting to ask questions about the decision making on the timing of this Brady notice?? If the motion is to disqualify the whole damn office, it’s all relevant.
I’m so sick and tired of the state and judges working in cahoots. It’s fucking demoralizing and exhausting.
Why they want to quash the subs shouldn’t they want to testify to serve justice
Only in a Bell Jar. if they actually followed the Rules (of Law; of Court; of Evidence, etc.) there would be more prosecutor and judge prosecutions, convictions and prison sentences. You know, the one’s Pryor promised in his campaign.
Is Bradley on the spectrum ? Why do her eyes keep darting around like that?
Is Klinger a lawyer?
Harold is finished.
It is a complete injustice and a mockery of the system to allow Bradley to continue to work at the SAO. She is a verified liar. Harold please do something right for a change, fire Bradley.
Ha sure fire her but who fills her shoes in homicide no one in that office can think for themselves to be in homicide!
Ask Coach or Holmes to come back for the trial. Anyone but Satzie.
Holmes? Bwahahaha. She could never try a case. She didn’t know what to do as a judge- I can’t imagine her doing a trial. Put in a brand new law student before her. Lol
No problem when Boutros is in charge of the Pub Corruptions Unit. Fitting replacement for Donnelly.
Murphy says, “ Who will be trying the case if you are removed Ms. Bradly?”
Bradley says. “I guess we will cross that bridge when we come to it Judge”.
In other words FU Murphy
Geez-this chick is a serious head case
Has anyone initiated an investigation into the prosecutor and detective’s conduct???? Seems obvious that there is a cover up.
That incompetent mess of Parkland is his responsibility. The incompetent Melly mess is his. Its coming back, even by a miracle if they manage to convict somehow. The citizens should know the truth. He doesn’t have any control over the biggest cases. He should make some big changes if he hopes to beat his opponent coming up for election. Broward bufoonery is to be expected but it cannot be tolerated on murder cases.
Raise your hand if you’re interested in being appointed State Attorney for the 17th Circuit .
What if Moretti and Bradley get investigated or charged with committing a crime related to BRADYGATE? (Perjury etc…) Will Moretti or Bradley take the fifth during the the smelly melly trial if they testify? Is it normal practice to postpone criminal investigations for offending prosecutors and police? I don’t think so…I’ve never come across that in my career. Hey Mr. prosecutor and Mr. police man, I am really busy for the next few months. Do you think you could skip the investigation and or crime until I’m done? The SAO has hit an all time low. #BLM
Just how stupid and incompetent is Pryor ? I know how stupid his staff is. Ole Mikey sure left the place in a mess.
Oh no the office was working perfectly until Pryor came in and fucked the whole office up. This is all on Pryor and who he put in as decision makers and unit supervisors. Pryor was way too inexperienced for a position like this. But after George Floyd, Broward only wanted to elect a person of color; well, they should’ve thought about electing somebody who had half a brain and knew the law. Pryor is a joke and a liar. If he was truthful he should have walked into court on Friday and took the stand not hiding in his office like a punk.
you are an extinction level moron
You can’t hide. You have a duty to open a criminal investigation. If you don’t, you are complicit. You are an accessory, you are a co-conspirator. You will be investigated along with Faulk and any other minions who are part of this coverup. You don’t have a choice. The allowing of Bradley to remain a prosecutor is all the information needed to point the finger at you. Be smart, hire a real attorney and send this case to the governor for reassignment. The message you are sending is that you care more about saving your ass than the integrity of the prosecution against Melly. Grow a sac and act like a man.
One of the Specific question Pryor was asked when he was running for state atty was would he prosecute criminal actions by his ASSAs, and he said Yes. PAY UP and Make Good, Pryor!
Haha but why wouldn’t he want to testify? Is there something to hide?
Didn’t Bradley get turned down by the Feds because of a well founded bar complaint? One that she got diversion for? Answer- YES- how about we take guesses as to the grounds for the complaint. I’m guessing- Liar liar pants on fire! How does that office allow a known liar to handle prosecutions? How is this even possible.
Think it was the Broward Ethics committee or whatever it’s called. the prosecutor’s usually get a special pass with the Florida Bar and they let corrupt Broward sweep their dirty laundry under the rug.
I filed a bar complaint against an ASA. The Florida bar answered the complaint on behalf of the ASA talk about covering for the ASA. I refiled the complaint to higher ups and the ASA was forced to file a response. But my complaint was dismissed because the ASA error was not intentional but get ready.
always inadvertent. im going to file a motion to sanctions on a case and i’m going to preempt them with “and if the ASA says its inadvertent, i’d ask the court to initiate a fucking bar complaint.”
The court will back out and say they don’t do bar complaints. But compel them to point they have to. The judge will forever hate you for that. Squeeze them till they choke on their own unethical conduct.
I did it in a civil case and the judge spoke with the other attorney and convinced her to settle the case rather than have him file the bar complaint. Make sure you have your own court reporter. Do not rely on the in court record.
Been there done that.
I’ve had a question for a while? Why didn’t Anna the Banana use the “inadvertent” defense in her case? I’m sure she heard it numerous times as a Judge and I’m sure Bogey heard it numerous times in his defense practice. Or does it only work for the ASA’s.