Brenda v. Blog hopefully will be headed to a Grievance Committee (“GC”) soon, absent anything to do with IP Addresses. Those issues were disposed by Florida Bar letter at the end of May. Legal Warrior John Howes’ primer on the First Amendment must have been enough for them to forego further challenges to the United States Constitution, even if they won’t admit it. The voluminous Motion to Quash Subpoena John prepared was never addressed, and the letter they sent ignored every constitutional principle submitted.
Now, roughly 580 days after the Bar received Brenda’s initial complaint, which was mostly comprised of issues around her title and well settled areas of Bar precedent and law regarding photography, an “investigator” has been assigned from the GC, former Broward ASA Madeleine Mannelo, pictured below with Brenda and others.
In spite of the law, videos (here and here) and other evidence, in spite of Brenda’s bailing on her bogus “domestic violence” court complaint before her deposition or any court appearances, in spite of the now closed investigation regarding Brenda’s veracity by the Miami SAO, and in spite of a judge having once found Brenda acted in bad faith in circuit court proceedings, defined as “dishonesty of belief, purpose, or motive,” the Bar has now handed the case to yet another investigator, who also appears to be friendly with the complainant.
You can’t make this stuff up, dear readers, but you’d have to be blind to not see what’s underpinning the harassment.
The truth is the Bar hates this very American blog, and anyone with the courage to utilize it to hold their public officials accountable, no matter how unqualified or out of control they may be.
The truth is the Bar hates lawyers that won’t kowtow to their authority, no matter how ineptly, politically, or disingenuously applied.
The truth is the Bar has done nothing to stop the degradation of the justice system in the face of a phony and destructive War on Drugs that has caused so much pain, death, and suffering in our communities, up to and including the ongoing national mourning of Mr. George Floyd and so many others like him. In fact, with their relentless attacks on the Constitution, honest criticism and other guiding principles of our forefathers, the Bar has in fact encouraged it. For while Brenda v. Blog is nothing more than one small example of the Bar’s actions and activities, it is symbolic of the greater whole of their mission to make sure everything stays exactly the same, no matter the cost, consequences or will of the people.
In any event, it should soon be up to the members of Grievance Committee 17(C) whether or not Brenda’s claims finally see the glare of a courtroom, with Broward’s Clerk of Courts under oath. In the meantime, we’ll be sure to update with any further developments, so stay safe from misguided government action and virus until then …
She is such a paranoid idiot. Who can take any of this seriously. This is what’s she’s like in the office too. And this is why many talented long term employees in key positions are gone. Tell the empress what she wants to hear and kiss the ring. She has no clue. She is not fit for that office. Vote her out
She is such a paranoid idiot. Who can take any of this seriously. This is what she’s like in the office too. And this is why many talented long term employees in key positions are gone. Tell the empress what she wants to hear and kiss the ring. She has no clue. She is not fit for that office. Vote her out. It will only get worse if she’s in office.
With her track record, i can certainly see why … You’d be paranoid too.
But Speiser wouldn’t be much better. Time to put that horse out to pasture as well.
At least the two judges have some kind of understanding what’s involved. She doesn’t!! She can’t manage the office. It’s only going to get worse as more and more people leave and she replaces them with cronies. And in 2025 she’s going to be in control of all the county’s public funds? And she won on Howard’s name yet runs around demanding respect. Call her madam clerk? Only in broward.
I don’t know can Brenda still work as a clerk/secretary in the traffic ticket division? If so she can get her old job back maybe. Only in broward. Seriously.
I’m not a candidate for that particular office but I would say I wouldn’t hire her back if I became the winner. She doesn’t seem to be a very popular person with her employees. She doesn’t seem very nice either. That’s my belief.
And you would be correct! It’s a very toxic place to work.
Judge Speiser will probably get a Bar Complaint or JQC now for calling her not qualified.
Gelin Pres to Zip
What judge keeps posting this irrelevant crap about Gelin and his first time running for anything. I bet I know who. When you’re not in the political “in” crowd plus you’re making waves for do nothing lazy judges it’s tough. But give him time. He will win eventually and help clean up the clown circuit in broward county.
Bill Gelin Pres to Zilch
Ha ha Bill beats them again.
To be fair, it’s not an even match-up. Him and Howes are top notch lawyers.
Civil depositions are part of Discovery before trial. Brenda and her witnesses. Ask away.
Dian Diaz too?
There’s no idealism. Just them against us.
I’m surprised at Madeline being a part of this.
Interesting article about Judge Marx in the Herald below link.
call your FBI friends, snitch
Tell Josh I’m sorry and ask him if I can keep the case he can’t say no to you
Oh, That’s what’s wrong with him. Hanging the one who talks like she has a big one in the side of her mouth.
you can tell a bug that creeps by the company it keeps..
And that young man is why a good Public Information Officer is worth the salaries of 3 ASAs
If you thought I was rough on my fellow candidates at the Sentinel interviews wait to see what I do to Administration after I win
Florida Bar’s best
Not this clown 🤡 LOL
Didnt he play Fez on That 70s Show?
That was Henry Winkler.
That 70’s Show is a different show; not the 70’s show Happy Days with Fonzie Fonzarella.
Didn’t he pass away recently? I saw some comments by Wally and Beavis saying really fond things & remebrances and the like.
Ironic he’s a FBar type and his bestie Ana got removed and disbarred.
Well that lowers the level—isn’t this the Bar investigator who refused to investigate fraudulent cases presided over by Gardiner because she was his Hispanic dance partner, and then after reigning in disgrace got a big fat high paying job with Tom Scott? And now another firm hires one of her corrupt cohorts? Says a lot about them and their character a lawyers.
Mickey Mouse clown Ostrow reply
The Clown’s WORDS of WISDOM
OMG chicken licken gets a taste of his own medicine. he likes to protect truthful posts about his shady pals but cries about other seeking the truth about him. I WANT MY MOMMY’S MONEY chicken licken couldn’t hold a job as a bag boy in publix without his mommy’s money…not that i’m demeaning the bag boys that is
I’m pretty sure he’s enjoying the attention. Wouldn’t be so much if he wasn’t getting in the newspaper with it but it’s covered a good amount. Just saying.
Extra! Extra! Man unqualified to bag groceries at Publix rips through judiciary like hot knife through butter! Extra! Extra!
Hopefully every lawyer in Broward is behind you. We should circulate a petition.
Wonder who told her to file a bar complaint in the first place. Check out her background before she conned Forman and won solely on his name. She has someone with a grudge against Gelin helping her.
Well if that’s true she should get help from someone that knows the law better.
Couldn’t be Diaz, noooo.
Wonder who told her to file for guardianship…
she could have figured out guardianship after getting elected. Not how guardianship works or the legal complexity involved. But getting control over someone else’s money is an easier concept to understand.
Yeah I’m sure she came up with that on her own. It’s pure coincidence that her right hand man ran that division.