Speiser in for clerk

Mark Speiser, who as Judge Speiser found Brenda Forman acted in bad faith in circuit court proceedings against her then husband Howard Forman, is now running for Clerk of Courts.

When asked if his candidacy had anything to do with his prior history with Brenda, Mark responded as follows:

“I’m simply running because the current Clerk isn’t qualified.”

47 thoughts on “Speiser in for clerk”

      1. 4


        It’s the Sun Sentinel’s fault. A simple background check on her before the election and some investigative reporting before the last election would have exposed her lack of qualifications. Now she’s the incumbent and will likely prevail as the Sun Sentinel is once again ignoring the race.

        1. 6


          They need to dig a bit. There’s more at stake here this time. This numbskull will be overseeing the whole entire county money in 2025. She hires people who she thinks are loyal to her. Qualifications are not priority. What is best for the office is not a priority. What is best for the taxpayers is not a priority. She’s grossly incompetent.

          1. 2


            During the quarantine, when she had essential people working, in the middle of May she could not pay her essential employees time and a half. She was only able to offer 2 personal days.i bet she paid her attorneys from our funds. This office needs to have an independent financial audit. I’m sure there is proof in those finances that she used for her personal use AUDIT

  1. 15


    She won on Howard’s name. She’s completely over her head . Dishonest too. And if she’s not removed this idiot will oversee all the public county money in 2025. Billions! Nobody has really looked into this but it’s a disaster waiting to happen. The office is a mess and she’s going to run all the county money??

      1. 7


        Kissing ass, oiling palms and backslapping sure don’t do anything to offer change from the corruption, nepotism and cronyism that keeps our system of Justice in the Dark Ages.
        Gelin should be applauded for focusing light on all the dirty little games that permeate the very fabric of the hypocrisy that takes place around here.

      2. 1


        This is probably a lazy person Gelin spotlighted. He shines light on the corruption and how idiots get elected in broward. Gelin will eventually get elected as more people get to know what he stands for. Taxpayers foot the bill for all this corruption and ineptitude he exposes.

  2. 6


    She’s going to be listed first on the ballot because of alphabetical order. That already puts her at an advantage.

    Because of the pandemic, Speiser may not have much opportunity to charm the retirement homes and condo commandos.

    1. 15


      Speiser’s move will only shaft Paul Backman’s bid to become Clerk – as he will now water down and split the anti dumb brenda vote.

      1. 11


        Backman was a company slug for Satz as a judge and SAO’s corrupt slimy unconstitutional practices and case sabotage. Nobody should have any reasonable expectation he will be any different as clerk of the cesspool.

    2. 10


      These scab Broward Judges never cease to amaze. After years of sucking out of the trough and chitting all over that valley, they then want to move onto the next valley and suck some more !
      He ain’t called The Speez for nothin.
      Now you got two Sleazy Broward Judges lookin to suck the trough dry again. You’d think they’d be sucked out by now. A pair of real Sleazoids.
      Ain’t the Clerk’ Office screwed up enough with that Freakshow Carnival Act Brenda without these two scabbers lookin to scalp taxpayers for another buck ! Lol. Pathetic.
      Broward Judge’s Motto: Suck hard – Suck long.

  3. 7



  4. 3


    Here come the steamroller …
    My chances are looking better all the time

    1. 11


      They should make a movie about broward. Only in broward would this con artist with no skills or education win an office on someone else’s name alone. She has no business running that office and she’s going to be overseeing all the county money in 2025. Seriously. This is beyond stupidity. Who is really running that office? Her cronies.
      To manyThe good people who knew what they were doing in that place are gone.

    2. 3


      This woman really should try to get on “What Not To Wear.” RIDICULOUS looking!!!!

  5. 3


    Now that a 75 year old white bald man has been beaten down in Buffalo I’m starting to think maybe Caez is on to something

  6. 5



    1. 3


      Well, leaving it in the hands of Brenda Forman and her gang wasn’t very professional for crying out loud.

    2. 2


      Let me get this straight. She took a $20,000 pay cut and stayed there? Or did she leave and come back under Mrs. Forman? How could she stick around after that type of treatment?

      1. 4


        Where else could she go and make the money she was making? Even with the pay cut she was making a lot. And get the frs retirement pension as well.

    1. 3


      If Rydell wants the plea the case to live, why would he need Satz….

      This doesn’t make sense to me

      What makes sense is Satz taking a shot at Rydell to preserve the contracts with him and his cronies to the tune of 1 million dollars because no one else in the office can handle parkland…..

      1. 2


        Satz needs something to do after January. I’m not supporting Lewis or Murphy because they think Satz serves some purpose beside himself. Satz needs to go. Clean break in January.

      2. 8


        Yeah Satz is full of it but not on This one. Rydell is a lying sack of shit. He changes his platform everytime there is some resistance. Stick to your story Rydell. Last thing Broward needs is another liar in office.

        1. 0


          Yo Hey Paulie ..thats what I describe as “bringing my Northeast attitude towards the law”.

          We full of bullshit and make stuff up. Then if it backfires I change course….Yo.

  7. 5


    How scary it’ll be to have Madame Clerk (as she likes to be called) As a Clerk of the Court And see all the pathetic Chief Directors and Manager dance with her!! She starting sending a motivational email every week!! To remains ya as employee to vote for her. How pathetic she is!!! Is like circus court instead if circuit court!! God save us.

  8. 3


    WE as a community and staff needs this woman GONE!!!! Her along with her uneducated chief directors. The budget would allow for a larger raise for the employees if she didn’t hand out chief director positions to her ASS KISSERS.

    *********BILL, please request a new salary list so we can see just how much of a raise she gave her upper management (Chief Idiots in Charge)**********

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