
@ 4:26 PM:

We’re told John Murphy has taken ASA Kristine Bradley off the Melly case, has quashed the subpoenas for depositions of Harold Pryor et al, and has otherwise left the SAO on the case …

Developing …

SS – Judge yanks lead prosecutor off YNW Melly murder re-trial (4:35 PM)


Email to PDO from Gordon Weekes re Howard Forman’s passing:

I am sorry to share the unfortunate news that Howard Forman passed away today. He was a friend and servant leader in Broward for many years. He touch many lives and did good in this community. He will be missed. 

His funeral services will be held this Sunday, October 15, 2023, at 12:00 pm at Levitt Weinstein Jewish Funeral Home 3201 N 72nd Ave, Hollywood, FL 33024.

Following the funeral, a reception with light refreshments will be held from 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm at Charles F. Dodge City Center at 601 City Ctr Way, Pembroke Pines, FL. I am sorry to share the unfortunate news that Howard Forman passed away today. He was a friend and servant leader in Broward for many years. He touch many lives and did good in this community. He will be missed. 

209 thoughts on “MURPHY RULING”

  1. 23


    Howard was the embodiment of a gentleman. He has been missed. The Brenda who high jacked his name should be ashamed of herself and voted out of office ASAP.

    1. 14


      Someone tried to vote her out of office, remember?
      And he was cruising to victory until Speiser entered the race to fuck things up.

    2. 3


      Oh come on, he knew what he was doing and married her because he thought he was a stud dating a younger woman like a lot of you old goats. No one forced him into anything, stop feeling sorry for him.

      1. 3


        I guess it’s better that a lot of you have wives that have never worked to help you financially and just looked for ways to spend your money? Honestly, I don’t know why their marriage is any of your business. It’s really funny that it’s cool for a man to hook up with a younger woman until he dies then she’s labeled as a gold digger. Stop worrying about their marriage and look at your own gold digger wives.

    3. 3


      What the hell kind of people are you? A man you thought so highly of has died and the best way you can honor him is to bash his wife? I truly hope his character was a hell of a lot better than yours.

      1. 10


        It’s his ex wife. She tried to get him declared incompetent and take his money. Lied so much the judge called her out on it.

  2. 7


    Murphy Judge Solomon split the baby in half. No Fing balls but, how can you when your daughter works for SAO. Wtf a complete joke.
    Can you say issue reserved for appeal.

  3. 17


    My condolences to the Forman Family. (Not scamming Brenda) Brenda is a complete MORON and IDIOT. Vote BRENDA ALAZAY JENKINS FOR—— out of office.

  4. 10


    Seems like a swift decision written to absolve the administration so that Harold cannot be called to the stand. And meant to protect the office so that his daughters office doesn’t appear to be the joke that it is.

  5. 17


    Sending my condolences to Mr Forman’s Family. The best years at the Clerk of Courts were under Mr Forman’s LOVE and Leadership. He was the Greatest Clerk Ever! Rest in Peace! The office is a train wreck now.

    1. 3


      He was just as incompetent as his former wife. Who are you kidding ? Perhaps even lazier. So much for your revisionist history!

      1. 4


        Forman didn’t do any better as clerk than that lousy Brenda he left us with. That’s what he’ll actually be remembered for is that load of incompetence.

  6. 47


    All I can say is Michele Butros is a hero. Harold Pryor and company hid behind the truth. Everyone should always remember that Pyror did everything he could to keep from testifying. He should’ve issued Brady over a year ago, and he tried to cover this up. If it was not for Michele who refused to be silenced, the SAO would have gotten away with it. Pryor is a liar for promising the public he would always seek the truth. Pryor was willing to allow Melly to be sentenced to death while he remained silent. I sure hope the governor is paying attention to this, which I have heard he is. Pryor is a liar and a fraud. I was hoping Murphy would would make Pryor testify so that everyone would finally see what a liar and a fraud Pryor is. All I can say is thank God for honest prosecutors like Butros. Every defendant has a constitutional right to a fair trial, but he will never get a fair trial as long as he’s prosecuted by the Broward County State Attorneys Office. Boutros you’ve got big balls! Kudos to you!

    1. 15


      Big balls for sure!!! Bitch ass!!! Respect Boutros…..Real respect!! Shame on Bradley for trying to cover up her lies. And this Moretti dude is completely a bad, lying cop who needs to walk away from this life and go play with his leggos.

      1. 8


        “ bitch ass”—sounds like Sheila Alu language. Neither here nor there, but sometimes I read the comments and know exactly who wrote it by their language. That is all.

  7. 0


    “During the time that he and I were married, we had a great marriage,” Brenda Forman said. “The community just knew who Howard Forman was, when he was in the Senate, he got on the floor and he fought for a lot of rights for those who are here in Broward County. So he will be remembered for doing what was good for the community, all of the community, regardless of who they were, where they came from or whatever their status may have been.”

    1. 4


      Thats nice to say now that he is gone and cannot defend or refute anything you say but mind you there are people who have eye witnessed what you call a great marriage to be a great tragic moment that started his twilight years and being his jewish background probably trying to gain from this statement.

    2. 1


      That’s laughable! The man kissed his staff on the lips. It was disgusting! Talk about sexual harassment! And BRENDA is so much worse than him!

      1. 14


        Isn’t that where they teach ASAs to lie effectively and not get caught? withhold and conceal evidence and not get caught?

    1. 13


      She should be disbarred for lying under oath! Where is Pryor’s promise to the community for fairness and justice? Lying piece of shit! Pryor is an uncle Tom fucking sell out piece of shit!

      1. 17


        Actually, Murphy has an obligation to do a bar complaint. And when a judge does a bar complaint it is automatically founded and formal proceedings must go forward. Murphy MUST do a bar complaint because he has determined that Bradley has attempted to defraud the court or thwart justice.

  8. 16


    Murphy knows she’s a liar (Read his Order), but still saved the case for now. Boutros is a rock star and saved Administration from embarrassment. Bradley embarrassed herself and the State Attorneys Office, and Mr. Pryor should never allow her to set foot into a courtroom again!!


            1. 4


              She is a huge MAGA supporter. You think people don’t have screenshots? She can’t switch parties. The democratic primary is what wins it anyway. When those primary voters figure out she is MAGA- she wouldn’t win.
              I actually don’t think she would be bad as the SA, but she can’t win in Broward.

  9. 11


    Bradley telling all that the SAO is going to appeal. HP stands by Bradley. You should see her walking around the SAO with a huge smile on her face. Murphy is being lambasted by the SAO administration. Klinger screaming as he reads the order to the ants in appeals that Murphy is incompetent and knows not what he does. Not BRADY says Klinger and pathetic HP clueless as always following the direction of the clowns.

    1. 10


      This office being so clueless as to what is and isn’t Brady…and their ASAIC of FTU thinking nothing is Brady and the state has no obligations basically…I have no confidence that we are getting ANYWHERE NEAR the notices we are entitled to. #justice

  10. 5


    Where are the condolences for Howard Forman, Madame Clerk? Anyone who has ever worked at the clerk’s office knows that upon the death of an auntie or grandpa or 3rd cousin of any employee, who used to work in the building somewhere at some point in time, the Human Resources department issues condolences and funeral information to ALL employees. But from what current staff have told me, HR is silent on the death of Howard Forman. Very telling.

    1. 10


      She at least offered to manage his financial matters at one time alleging he wasn’t mentally capable able to do so …
      Can you say gold digger ?

  11. 14


    Alix Bukilew says:

    I will only take this Melly case if you give me a private parking spot, scrub my name from the internet and deliver turkey sandwiches on a lettuce wrap everyday of the trial.

    HP says: I’ll give you whatever you want provided you continue to lie for us.

        1. 2


          Say what you want but the smug little Uncle Fester got his azz handed to him by voters after chewing the cud …

    1. 1


      The best trial Attorney for years in Miami could handle the complexities of this case with Bukileew. Guess who?

    1. 11


      Wow she’s cooked. Kevin tynan where are you? Represent her feed false hope and then plead her out to disbarment. It’s your mo.

  12. 12


    “Substantial misconduct”. And the state wants to appeal and draw even more attention to this travesty of justice??? Must be Klinger’s idea because it makes no sense. Bradley should have been fired already.

    1. 7


      Once misconduct, all other conduct, past and present is SUSPECT. Every case. As for the “entire office,” it is Satz training to lie and deny and the SOP of the SAO. So contrary to the Motion, the entire office is SUSPECT and had no credibility.

  13. 12


    CONSPICUOUSLY absent from all the posts is mention of all the managerial coconspirators who drain the life out of young. enthusiastic attorneys. They teach them to preserve their job through silence and acquiescence, to follow orders and be placed in ethical dilemmas. Their naivete and inexperience exploited by Machaveillian experts usually with decades of experience screwing people with impunity, having blackmail information on their bosses. I went to the public defender office and was run out by such people because I reported a severe bar violation to my superiors, given a raise after 1 month and run out a month later after 3 degrading H R meetings after my complaint. I am sure my experience is the tip of the iceberg. I wish I had the courage to file a lawsuit and bar complaint but I know with 3 decades in the bar that powerful law firms and the Sao and PD get a pass, maybe once a DECADE they get theirs. / dead man walking/!

  14. 14


    Bradley and the rest of the SAO need to leave it alone and walk away. Filing an appeal is just going to bring more scrutiny . This seems like a recurring theme at the SAO. Howard Scheinberg didn’t know when to quit. Referee recommended a 1-year suspension. The Florida Bar agreed. Scheinberg couldn’t leave well enough alone and appealed. The Supreme Court added in a “stupid tax” for the appeal and hit him with a 2-year suspension.

    Murphy gave them cover. He is going to be really pissed off if the State appeals because that puts his ass on the line too.

    Everybody at the SAO needs to read the book “How to Win Friends and Influence People.” Currently, they are doing the exact opposite.

      1. 2


        Boy they are a cute couple. Would vote for them courthouse king and queen at the prom.
        Ol Bogey got sloppy seconds from an adversarial counsel. Wow.
        Just imagine if Anna the Bannana lived in San Francisco. She’d be be our Vice President now. Obviously she had no problem spreading her wings but she did it in wrong state

  15. 16


    Best line of the day:

    Klinger says, “judge, would it be okay for Bradley to handle the Motions to Suppress?”

    An absolute imbecile

    1. 0


      And it’s the state’s appellate division that gets called by judges in the middle of trial to help them make rulings. (Never seen that happen in any other county btw).

  16. 15


    Speaks volumes for the administration that Bradley is still employed and still has homicide cases. Shameful if you ask me, in an election year? Where more and more Brady violations are emerging. Seems like a rampant culture of either not knowing what Brady is, not caring what Brady is or purposefully hiding Brady evidence. Laziness, incompetence or lack of ethics, I guess you can take your pick. Its said that Tallahasee is embarrassed by this gaff…that can’t be a good thing.

    1. 18


      I had at least 2 dozen discovery violations by the state in a short tenure at PD. Could have filed 30 motions to compel. Don’t be nice to Sao., they will NOT reciprocate. GOVERNOR, I hope you are monitoring what is going. on in Broward. New State Attorney needed! Since this would be # 3 there are several PD’s woo deserve the same fate, take a look at offices with absurd turnover.

  17. 7


    Murphy could still gut the case if he throws out evidence obtained. That would be a disaster for the State.

  18. 12


    When are they going to appoint the new ASA? They need time to come up to speed on it. Trial transcript alone must be 3000 pages. No sooner than 2024 now for the retrial. You know, if Zaccor and Valcore tried this case together, it’s a guaranteed NG because they would put the jury to sleep!!!

    1. 8


      Say what you want about Zaccor losing the election. But he is a great trial lawyer. Anyone that has seen him in court knows that. He should be trying this case. But not Paul Valcore.

  19. 13


    Mickey Mouse could try this case as effectively as anyone willing to try it from the SA office. Why would anyone be willing to step into the pile of shit that moretti and Bradly created. Corruption and incompetence at its finest.

  20. 6


    After dealing with Broward County I am the only candidate equipped to tackle the problems in Ukraine and the Middle East.

    1. 10


      Lmao how fing true. What a sh$t show down here. I blame every attorney SAO PD and private practice attorneys for allowing it to happen and be a standard business practice.
      What’s that song “Don’t Rock the Boat Baby……”.
      Everyone of these people where on the “magic carpet ride”.
      Tacos anyone?

      1. 2


        All Americans should be thankful they live in a country where there’s freedom to get up on the stand and say anything they want.

      2. 6


        the Bar Rules mandate that any lawyer knowing of the misconduct, report it. When they do not, they all should be disbarred.

  21. 15


    Does Pryor want to lose Melly? He’s got highly experienced big case trial lawyers like Zaccor, Morton, S. Murphy, Neuner, Faulk, Mccann, on the payroll. Why aren’t they handling this case to win it? Does he want to lose all the big ones like happened Cruz?

      1. 1


        Sarah Nell?! How old do you think judge Murphy is exactly. No that’s no his daughter. Christine Murphy is his daughter.

    1. 2


      I don’t know about them specifically, but as an aside Governor Desantis needs to get rid of the 8 year DROP taxpayer ripoff.

  22. 12


    So funny that HP and clan think their meetings with Morton over the last month are private. Morton has always had the biggest of mouths. Loves to tell all how he has advised you on the law. How many times does Morton need to tell you it’s Brady before you get it. Typical sloppy HP style.

  23. 9


    Wait…….Morton is trying this case?????? Is that what I’m hearing????Shit….he and Boutros are besties and I understand that she’s still on the witness list for defense…..How does that work? HP…..WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING YOU MORON. NEXT……..

  24. 12


    The Circus is in Town!!

    Introducing Alix Buckelew and Charles Morton as the hosts for the upcoming Melly Trial. Tune in for the greatest display of prosecutorial misconduct in the history of the United States. Starring the wonderful Kristine Bradley and Marc Moretti. Advanced purchase required. Seats limited.

    PS Defense and Murphy, we will let you know when we damn well feel like it.

    1. 12


      Morton couldn’t try his way out of a wet paper bag. We’ve all seen how successful he’s been in the past. He’s never been good and he’s way too long in the tooth to be giving it a try again.
      Time to pack it in Chuck before you embarrass yourself again. Not that you’ve ever had any shame. Uncle Tom is an old story already and dinosaurs disappeared 160 million years ago. Do yourself a favor as well as the rest of us, do the same.

  25. 8


    All the commentary is very interesting but what is lost in all of this is that Melly shot and murdered two friends of his. Given what we know, does anyone have any doubt that he is factually guilty? Or does that no longer matter? Our criminal judicial system has degenerated into a freak show where jurors lie in the hopes of springing their favorite raper. Where the defense attorneys inflate meaningless technicalities into cries of “prosecutorial misconduct”. A criminal trial has become an unpredictable event resulting in peoples’ loss of faith in the system. If the glove don’t fit you must acquit. That’s criminal justice today. But no matter what antics the “ defense” bar dreams up, Melly’s two friends were murdered and we all know he did it. Don’t their (Black) lives matter? Or does springing Melly trump everything?

    1. 15


      The oaths that prosecutors take and the constitution dictate the conduct of Asa’s. That’s why the Melly trial is in jeporady. Only a prosecutor with no moral compass would suggest that the defense is some how engaged in antics. The leaders in that office most certainly have no moral compass. Being a prosecutor should never be about winning. Full and total transparency or this is exactly what happens. If the egos in that office weren’t so inflated they would have proceeded honorably and referred this case to a different district. Why have they not? Simple. All eyes in Tallahassee on HP and once he allows another jurisdiction to deep dive into the blatant corruption he is finished. It’s as simple as following the law. Blaming the defense for the States lies and cover-ups is typical amongst the prosecutors across the country and in this isolated instance they were caught.

    2. 7


      Spring his butt stand for proper due process and let the street justice take care of Melly.
      Karma is a BITCH. But due process needs to be preserved.
      My 2 centz.

    3. 13


      Is this the stupidest comment ever?

      Cruz, and anyone convicted of senseless murder deserve to fry.

      Which is why a good prosecutor does everything above board.

      Disclose it. Clear it. Move on.

      Don’t create problems which the desperate, meaning the accused, can and will exploit. Particularly on a Death case. The ultimate penalty, with teams of the best trial lawyers and layers upon layers of appellate review if there’s a conviction.

      Something like this is a bunch of nothing, maybe. But discovered a year later? With people talking out of the sides of their mouths to try and cover? Now it’s a mess.

      And if it hadn’t been discovered until after a conviction, it’d surely be a reversal.

      The best comment I have seen is simple and true: they took a page from the old, failed Michael Satz playbook. Conceal. Like Sonny Jacobs. Like Loureiro. Like so many others.

      Once again, they got caught. And it is they, the justice seekers, who have compromised an important case. No one else. They are the ones who have turned the case into a ‘freak show.’

      And it was all so avoidable.

      Disclose. Air & Clear it. Move on.

      It’s basic.

      Mr. Pryor has surely learned a lesson here for the future.

      Play it clean, or pay the price.

          1. 1


            I take it if a cop isn’t petting her cat she is.
            Is that in the stairwell or parking garage or driving around looking for cannolis

    4. 9


      The presumption of innocence is what we should all live by. So whatever you’re spewing about. Shhhhh…

    5. 1


      Yeah two people are dead and now who can trust any evidence the State has when the lead detective and the prosecutor are liars. So what you want to put a man to death and never mind if we can believe any of the evidence he so called collected? if you’re going to put somebody to death you damn sure better believe the evidence is true.

      1. 1


        This is why Satz and his cronies want “kill ’em quik” legislation, so they will die before appeals can overturn on such misconduct.

  26. 13


    Chuck be like no way Murphy gonna dismiss me again. Dismissal on nursing home case, no death on Ibar, penalver and now the rappers defense is going to give him the last loose of his career. Go home Chuck. You are all washed up. Oh, and by the way, Murphy is a million times brighter than any of you. Especially Morton. So have some respect.

  27. 14


    Just so ya’ll know. We in the trenches think our supervisors and the people in the head office are all liars. Faulk especially. The culture is to hide evidence and win. So don’t blame us all for their deceit. The culture doesn’t permit free thoughts or speech. That is the true reason that everyone leaves. Pryor can try to buy our silence but in the end the truth will come out.

      1. 0


        Yeah like the new ASAs are going to go in the office and tell Faulk and Pyror they are unethical liars. Like they are going to identify themselves 🤣🤣🤣 dumb ass. We just wait till we have a new job and we are out!!!

    1. 2


      And of course, you followed your Bar Rules and reported it, Right? You’re all f**king lying hypocrites. Own up!!!

  28. 13


    From: ADM1 – Harold Pryor 
Sent: Wednesday, August 24, 2022 8:46 AM

Subject: RE: Office Fundamental of the Week
    Please share with your Units (attorneys and support staff)
    This week’s fundamental… “Don’t put anything in writing that you don’t want to read in the media.”
    As employees of the SAO, we are all subject to the requirements of Chapter 119, Florida Statutes. That means that written communications regarding official business, whether they be typed, texted, handwritten or emailed, are potentially subject to disclosure under Florida law. Act professionally and don’t allow yourself to be undermined by a public records request.
    Have a blessed and productive week.

  29. 11


    If this is the state of SAO office all defense counsels should be raising holy hell to the Bar JQC the state leaders county commissioners. Obviously the place stinks to the high heaven. Haven’t been there in many years but remember when I turned my back on the criminal division it was starting to stink. The judges all bias towards state the ASA were complete unmitigated a holes. They could not review a case objectively and make proper case decisions. The plea offer is this or go to trial. They refused to take phone calls to discuss the case and refused to talk at calendar call. The whole SAO office attitude and demeanor changed. Instead of men with integrity and balls to do the right thing; Satz put in a bunch good looking ASA women who thought they had balls with a PMS attitude. Which is why you have Bradley where she is today. How many other of her fellow female ASAs should be joined with her.
    Thanks Satz y

  30. 4


    WHERE is equal coverage for all the b.s. at the PD? A dozen overpaid supervisors and Gordon backwatchers. Felony attorney with 300 cases. Very little ethics in major crimes. 6 attorneys in the training division when they have a 500 page manual. Average felony attorney in 12 divisions has done less than 5 felony trials Equal coverage Gelin.

  31. 9


    For all you dummies at the SAO the Judge ordered Kristine Bradley’s RECUSAL which means she has to completely withdraw from participating in the prosecution of the case. She should not be associated with this trial at all. She can’t participate in the strategy sessions. She can’t review, suggest, or explain evidence. She can’t give advice on matters related to the case at all.

    Better check with a real attorne. BAR RULES

  32. 3


    YNW Melly managed to score a minor victory in his double murder trial.

    During court proceedings on Wednesday, June 21, Broward Circuit Judge John Murphy ruled that the prosecution committed a discovery violation after the State failed to disclose a second forensics report. During cross examination, a DNA expert said Melly’s sample initially turned out negative and didn’t show up on any of the items inside the car where the victims were shot except the rear driver side door handle. Law & Crime Network reporter Terri Austin reported that the violation occurred after the State re-submitted Melly’s sample for reanalysis after the trial had already started.

  33. 5


    Throughout the day on Thursday, lead prosecutor Kristine Bradley was repeatedly upbraided by the court for her questioning of Holmes and efforts to introduce testimony the court had ruled inadmissible.

    1. 2


      A Black Female Attorney is needed to beat her bad at the election and become the new Clerk of the Courts.

      1. 8


        In case some day my granddaughter googles my name and see this ridiculous post above, Lina I could have never survived colon cancer without you. The fact that someone would make jokes about the way your grandmother looked after surgery and six months of chemo of me puking my brains out and surviving colon cancer, speaks only to their lack of character. Coming back to the commission to let my colleagues know, I survived cancer against all odds with you on my hip was a day I will never forget. I love you kid! For all cancer survivors never give up!

      2. 7


        Sheila Alu is a beautiful person and a beautiful woman. You just fear her truth telling because you are a filthy coward. I can smell your rotten genitals from my living room.

  34. 13


    I mean no disrespect to my Democratic friends, and they know that but I would NEVER register as a Democrat again, and I am 100 percent a proud Trump supporter. For those who like to post stuff anonymously about me, no need to waste your time trying to find screenshots. I’ll send some.

    1. 17


      We are with you Sheila ! All these idiots crying about how they screwed up voting for Biden and his Family Crime Syndicate have now realized their mistake. It’s not bad enough that most of the money to the Biden’s has come from Ukraine over the years, now that moron is trying to drag us into a war that will have even worse consequences for US citizens.
      All will be settled in 2024 when it comes crashing down on the Swamp again !

      1. 1


        A Trumper can’t win an election for dog catcher in 80% blue Broward. Get a grip. I do think Sheila would be good. But be real- we all know she can’t win in Broward.

    1. 15


      Alu one of the ethical Asa’s. Alu doesn’t lie. Alu is the best. Alu for State Attorney!

  35. 9


    Why hasn’t anyone told the story about how the SAO hired the hold out juror on the Melly case right after the trial and let her work in the office for a week before they realized she was the juror that convinced other jurors it was a set up. WTF kind of office is that!

    1. 2


      If the Pd hired her my snifter would go
      Up. But the sao hired her makes me suspect that they want to free Melly. Then just drop the charges seems like Ol HP has a secret bank account someplace. This incompetent behavior can not be nothing but intentional. And poor Bradley, white lady, paying the price, stupidly.
      I say poor because she doesn’t see the big picture. Oh well.
      Stupid is What Stupid does.

  36. 8


    They hired a juror to work for them????


    Especially a hold out juror. This office is seriously fucked and continuously doing shady and unethical things. Broward County beware.

      1. 6


        I believe it is true. They hired her, not knowing that she was a juror. Why is the governor not relieving him of his duties.


  37. 5


    REMINDER. There is a special bar rule with its own number and title: Special Responsibility of a Prosecutor. I hope the Bar remembers that when looking into the SAO. cc: Governor and FDLE

    1. 2


      That and other Bar Rules are and have been ignored for decades. Doesn’t this SOP and dereliction then become the new Bar Rules and Due process?

  38. 2


    Bradley busy as a bee helping on the Melly case. Smiling ear to ear without a care in the world. HP in for it.

  39. 10


    It’s official. Ms. Taylor to be forced, against her will, to try the Melly case with Ms. Alix Buckelew. Zaccor pretends he is a witness on the Melly case. Griffiths in the back drop pretending he knows what he is doing. HP’s ego gets in the way of a successful prosecution. What a sick bunch at the SAO. Put your seatbelts on ladies and gentleman. We all get to watch the state crumble to pieces.

    1. 7


      It’s now everyday we get new news on the crisis in the Broward SAO. This thing has been going to long. Now there’s two new prosecutors on the case!!!! WTF is going on. I’ve been watching and listening from the beginning and I’ve never in my life saw a more corruptive system. Governor??? What say you?

    1. 5


      You forgot about Hendrickson. She has the biggest mouth ever and would stab her own mother in the back. She talks shit about everyone yet acts like their best friend to their faces. Biggest gossip ever. Admin….beware. She had been talking about you with regards to your mismanagement of the case.

    1. 6


      That man has the biggest mouth. And is still looking at case law from the 1950’s. Poor pathetic chuck.

      1. 0


        Sometimes old case law is applicable. I used case law from the early 1990 and won the case So it’s called research the issue.

  40. 3


    Faulk and HP:
    No discussions with anyone regarding this case.
    We are the CIA you know.
    This is a top secret prosecution.

  41. 5


    Without a lot of detail when I was a prosecutor our office Nolle prosequied several dozen felony cases when learned cop planting coke on suspects. All cases he was a witness dropped. If this testimony about this detective is deemed credible and his testimony is necessary at murder retrial will be hard to get unanimous verdict, likely mistrial then plea offer of about 10 years. Now many convictions involving this detective have to be looked into by Fdle, maybe Doj and PD and defense counsel. What a mess. Happens every 5 years. 60 minutes segments about doctored lab work as example.

    1. 3


      Alternatively, how many times did prosecutors in your office elicit and suborn known perjuries and failed to correct them, and then refused to repair them on appellate motions specifically identifying and pointing them out, after first deliberately and intentionally delaying appeals and especially postconviction motions from procedurally proceeding as required by the Rules? isn’t that the way Raft ran the office–simply by refusing to respond to court ordered responses?

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