Message from Gordon Weekes, yesterday, correcting a mistake made by the PDO regarding Brady Notices concerning Detective Moretti:
“We have NOT received Brady notices on cases involving Det Moretti.“
Up today: SAO’s Motions to Quash subpoenas of Harold Pryor, et al, before John Murphy …
COMING SOON – County Court Mania: Will there be four (or more) open seats in 2024? Will Bobby Diaz and Teri-Ann Miller join Robert Lee and Lou Schiff in retirement?
Looks like the state guy with the white hair is kissing up to Bradley. Chummy chummy. Sick shit.
Gelin Incorrect, again
You are an idiot! it’s not Gelin who was incorrect. It was Weeks who was trying to cover for his buddy Pryor. Then he realized oh shit we have no Brady notices 🤣🤣🤣.
Hey no one ever taught us anything about Brady. They just taught us how to hide evidence.
I wonder if the defense in the Mely’s case is aware that Judge Murphy‘s daughter works for the state attorneys office in sex crimes. The defense needs to not only recuse the Sao they should recuse Judge Murphy too. melly has no chance at a fair trial. What a shit show
How is judge murphy a sitting judge in the criminal division if his daughter works for ASA. Doesn’t the appearance of conflict of interest appear or are we all Ray Charles n Stevie Wonder. WTF
Not Blind just Corrupt
No way! Murphy’s daughter works at the SAO??
wait wait wait….yesterday he said AFTER A DEEP DIVE, we have learned that Morretti Brady notices WERE sent. today he says they were not sent–after someone said an employee could expose this easily and have whistleblower protection. how does that change so quickly??
so Gordon Weekes and HP cover for each other like that huh?
Yeah ask any of them blog what blog? 🤣🤣🤣 I never read the blog—all liars
Yep they are all covering for each other
Can’t see Diaz leaving the bench. How will the wife and her handler Brenda make it without him. Speaking of Brenda is anyone running against that incompetent fool?
The Supreme Court has now ruled that the media is a substitute for Brady notices. The state no longer has an obligation to provide defense with Brady material. Please contact your local newspapers for any Brady material and don’t go knocking on the states door so says the Pryor administration.
Is that PRIOR?
Valcore is a legend in his own mind. All you need to think is why is the Pryor Administration trying so hard to keep from testifying? Because they purposely withheld this information for over a year from the defense and word I have is there will be a surprise witness who will back everything Boutros is saying who is extremely credible. I hope Judge Murphy allows Pryor to testify which he should and if he lies under oath, he will be done! If Trump is not above the law than neither is Pryor. Honestly I hope he lies under oath. This will be epic!!!
Klinger is the best Pryor which is pretty damn sad since Pryor blew out all the brilliant and knowledgeable ASA’s.
Klinger is incompetent. He needs a job in the men’s shoe department at JC penny
JCPenney wouldn’t hire Klinger
Klinger here!
Reporting for duty
(For the young uns, that is Corporal Klinger from M.A.S.H.)
Hahahaha great summary of Valcore’s response
Valcore has officially joined the idiot club. Ridiculous response.
Valcore is a little man with a pee size brain. Get your Brady from the media? OMG are you kidding me?
How embarrassing this must be for every ASA who works under Pryor!
All Pryor has left is basically the new ASAs that don’t know any better. The rest are just praying to make it through drop!
Bunch of lying sacs of shit
Pryor: Somebody said something about Brady? I thought they were talking about Brandy. I don’t know any Brandy.
The brains of the 17th state attorney office
Please remember a man’s life is on the line here and the SAO has violated the fundamental duties of a prosecutor. The SAO has made a mockery of the defendants rights and in the course of doing so have behaved like criminals. The death penalty is no laughing matter. The continued evasive actions of the top brass in that office is frightening and undermines the fair process that prosecutors take an oath to uphold. Man or woman, black, brown or white, you should be scared. Remember, if this weren’t a defendant with fame and money it would have gone unnoticed and disregarded. Imagine how many innocent lives are affected by the sins of Pryor and the SAO. This is exactly how the innocent get put to death. As a Judicial officer Judge Murphy has the duty and responsibility to insure a defendants fair trial. Even if it hurts his relationship with the Elected State Attorney. There is no room for errors or favors. Testify Mr. Pryor. Prove you are a man of your word. Start practicing what you have preached. That is your duty.
Wow could not have said that better myself. This is frightening. How can Judge Murphy rule against the defense? What have we come to as a country? Pryor and company need to testify! If Murphy doesn’t make them testify he surely isn’t the man I thought he was.
But the cop and the prosecutor lied. Suck it up Melly
Every one of you Criminal Lawyers have defended a guilty person, fighting to prove their innocence so they can be set free to rape, molest a child or kill again. What’s the difference between what you do and an innocent person being wrongly convicted once in a while?
I’ve never seen a verdict form that says innocent.
But I guess only trial lawyers (defense attorneys) really read the jury instructions.
Rest in peace Howard Forman. We know one person who won’t care that you’ve passed. 😡
He was such a good man! He didn’t deserve that horrible witch! I still say he was vulnerable after the death of his wife. Clerks office is a joke with this idiot in charge.
He picked her, at some point you have to stand responsible for the bad decisions you make.