Bar v. Blog II Update

Believe it or not, Brenda v. Blog is still meandering along.

At this point it seems more accurate to rename it Bar v. Blog II, as the Bar’s palpable distaste for all things JAABLOG has seemingly relegated Brenda to stalking horse stature. Despite all the muckraking by the blog and its commenters over the years, which has undoubtedly helped clean up the ranks of officialdom and level the scales of justice in Broward County, we’re still public enemy number one, Bar motto be damned:

And Rumpole’s take:

It’s disappointing, to say the least, that the Bar is still going forward in the name of a complainant under a criminal investigation opened in part due to her sworn and under penalty of perjury filings in the instant bar complaint, but hardly surprising.  South Florida Bar prosecutors were also recently slammed by Jorge Cueto in his referee’s report for another astounding and destructive overreach, which can be read over at Rumpole’s place.  A disturbing trend of achieving an objective, right or wrong, political or otherwise, no matter the cost, seems to be en vogue at our beloved Bar, with Brenda’s original complaint being twisted beyond even the Constitutional threshold crossed by the pending IP Address scandal.  The specific new and latest developments, hopefully to be broken soon by mainstream media, are chock full of due process, free speech, and other concerns important to both lawyers and laypeople alike, and an insult to anyone with a sense of fair play.

Simply put, it’s not only Brenda v. Blog that needs to be rechristened.  Our characterizations of the Bar’s actions over the years as a War on Free Speech and harassment have also been plain wrong; it’s a War on the Truth.

For control purposes, and for maintaining status quo of a system corrupted beyond belief by political patronage and self-interest, the Bar doesn’t want any insider or informed person not wearing a robe, holding elected office, or having politicked their way to the top of the Bar itself having access to a bully pulpit where they can freely, and from the safety of anonymity (if they so choose), call out corruption, hypocrisy, and shortcomings in their elected officials, or make fun of same, which is precisely what JAABLOG affords any reader, licensed or not.  It’s always been easier to ignore or massage problems, or half-heartedly attempt to fix them from the inside absent the glaring accountability of public embarrassment, even if this mindset has only proven to proliferate and compound stubborn problems of institutional racism and other serious injustices, or even simple inefficiencies within the system, and foster levels of division, distrust, and anger on all sides not seen in this nation since the 1960’s.  And now, despite the national malaise and bi-partisan calls for serious change and accountability in our public officials, the Bar is risking further damage to its reputation by pursuing avenues that pose serious risks to the core of our democracy, all in a misguided effort to prop-up and protect those that often don’t deserve protecting, and to silence a communication medium that chips away at the traditional hierarchies of power, of which they are part and parcel.  To state it another way, they just don’t want any of us having a say, particularly without a supervising editor, and especially on a forum where reporters and other people can read it.  It’s too damaging.

Are some blog comments sometimes offensive or downright nasty?  You bet.  But federal and state laws protect them, and until such a time comes when the Bar works to change the rules and laws we all live under, as we’ve been telling them to do since at least 2013, their concerns in this area remain their problems and decidedly not ours, even if we’re once again the presumed scapegoat.  It therefore remains our duty and privilege under the Oath of Attorney and the Constitutions underpinning it to defend JAABLOG in its present form until the bitter end, whether they like it or not. They’ve had nearly fourteen years since the blog’s inception to figure it out, and if Brenda is the torch-bearer they’ve finally settled on, all readers should be more than concerned.

In closing, it must be stressed that the Bar’s actions aren’t the only glaring problem here, although we do expect more from them than from their complainant.  Brenda needs to answer for her behavior as well, which is why we recently sent the Bar a response asking them to put up or shut up.  We relish the opportunity to finally have our day in court, just as Brenda’s former husband Howard Forman did, who was also falsely accused of various actions by the current Clerk.  Discovery should be allowed to start immediately, and as an added bonus, if another goal of the Bar is to protect their complainant at the ballot box in 2020 by restricting critical speech of Brenda here on JAABLOG, we can’t think of a better way to focus the spotlight on both her and the constitutional questions posed than through a very public trial process that should last the duration of campaign season:

Let the games begin!

WSJ – After Janus, Free the Lawyers ; A First Amendment challenge to forced bar association dues

… “In other words, the bar is not merely a professional organization that sets ethical standards and disciplines lawyers. It is a quasi-government enforcement body. The plaintiffs argue that forcing them to fund the bar’s political speech infringes on their First Amendment rights by compelling them to subsidize views they disagree with” …


91 thoughts on “Bar v. Blog II Update”

    1. 0


      Brenda haz the brain the edumacstion and the whole package baby!!! She rule da courthouzzz!!

    2. 0


      Why is Brenda still working as a real estate agent? Go to the old Broward Mall any weekend, she’s in there working as a real estate agent….

      1. 0


        Perhaps she’s committing frauds using clerks access.
        Or, she’s prepping a new career as her useless, corrupted, and lying fat ass won’t be in office for long.

  1. 4


    I just reread the article about the IP’s. Disappointed that Sandy was confronted with this shortly before he passed. He worked his whole life against stuff like this.

  2. 6


    The Headline states that Senator Book wants to “Silence Protester” which is shocking to read. She took an oath of office to support, protect and defend the Constitution and Government of the United States and of the State of Florida.

    Did she happen to edit that to read: ….”only to those I want the Constitution and its Bill of Rights to protect.”?

    1. 5


      I see David B has Daughter and daddy’s DUI. I wonder if Judge Levy will be giving the usual quick trial date?

  3. 3


    See no evil hear no evil. Too bad for me the FBI could tell time better than the Florida Bar

  4. 2


    Since we can’t raise any more money, we stopped using the word fundraiser for our events. Since we have been running for over 2 years let’s have a kick off?

    1. 8


      “donations are encouraged but not required!”

      Famous last words of a sinking campaign.

      1. 8


        Going orange there, Gordo ? You gotta do better than that. I’m sure Lynch will keep you around after he sweeps the floor with you. Bone up. There will be plenty of cases you can work up, even if you can’t take any of them to trial.

        1. 5


          I hope Ruby keeps thinking she has a chance and doesn’t drop out of race when she finds she hasn’t enough funds to pay the $10k filing fee.
          A couple other candidates need her to temper down the racist voters who vote only based on skin color.

          She’s nice enough but all of the people who talk to her at the events similarly agree that she’s just not qualified or experienced enough to run the office. Plus the track records of other elected black women in this County has been dismal (Snipes, Forman, Oliphant…)

            1. 8


              Yessssplit the Black vote so the stakeholders take back the Office if The Public Defender.

              1. 11



                YOU’VE GOT A JOB TO DO

              2. 4


                To be fair, isn’t the entire courthouse/county crumbling? Why single out the PD?

                SAO is a clusterf*ck.
                Clerk? Don’t make me laugh.
                Sheriff? Removed guy to win again in a big FU to Tallahassee and beyond.
                SOE? Removed too. Who will be counting the votes.
                Concluding with Wash DC talk anyone?

            1. 11


              DUGH ?

            2. 9


              There could be rats in the cellar. You bet i’ll be voting Aug. 2020 but it won’t be for this pretender.
              Talk about no experience. He’s aptly named because you could put all his trial experience together and it wouldn’t amount to a Week’s Worth. Lol. And he says Ruby doesn’t have the experience for the job ? What experience do you need to dodge work and get away with it ? Notice how Howie is hiding out himself these days? Mistakes are a cause for embarrassment and there’s the rat🐀 in the trap. Howie didn’t even go for the Jarlsberg to get his tail caught in this one.
              Weeks will be the goat for all the crappy management errors the office has become widely known for.

        2. 0


          Is there anyone running that isn’t either an ex judge or needs the job? Who is in it for the people? She needs a job. Face it.

    2. 2


      Good, because I wouldn’t give you one red cent.
      You going red these days, Gordo ?

  5. 9


    The BAR are a bunch of communists who hate free speech. Everyone knows Bill Gelin never made any racist comments about Forman, but he does not have to dignify questions from the BAR about what he may or may not have written on JABLOG with an answer.

    1. 17


      Exactly…. I’m glad someone else notices the similarities.

      The Bar complaint is a badge of honor….
      Hey Gelin, You’re not our type, but we love you anyways.

  6. 4


    Lawyer: “Hi, FL Bar? My client is here in my office with a gun, about to murder me. ”

    Bar goon: “Sir, you’ve violated attorney client privilege. We are opening an investigation.” *click*

    1. 6


      We are opening an investigation but we are too lazy to do anything besides send a bunch of letters to overworked lawyers so don’t ask us to pick up the phone and make a couple phone calls that could clear everything up in 5 minutes.

    1. 4


      Imagine the comments here if people weren’t worried the justice seekers at The Bar would subpoena them!!!

  7. 16


    And if you see a big bad man come nearby with a cellphone camera make sure to tell Clerk Forman so I can file a Domestic Violence charge.

  8. 13


    You are going to come in 4th place, Gordo. No one likes you. Not even the people in your office. You are a smug jackass with no awareness of how much you are despised by others. Hide your head in shame. You are going to be a laughing stock. I am really going to enjoy this… so is everyone else too.

    1. 7


      Is there any public office this putz hasn’t run for ? Doesn’t he already know that there are already two bimbos running for state attorney ?

    1. 14


      Teresa Williams covered up for an Epstein victim by thwarting a 15 year investigation.

  9. 3



  10. 3


    Everyone on this blog who is disrespecting Gordon (and by everyone I mean the same 2 anonymous people) is jealously trying to disparage a wonderful man who has done great things for our community. I work for the public defender’s office. Gordon is an honorable man who commands our respect.

    Gordon has tried a ton of cases and won most of them. Gordon wasn’t always leading the office as a Chief, he was a brilliant and talented trial attorney who passionately litigated on behalf of the indigent. His trial skills and legal writing frequently proved to be superior than the opposition which lead to amazing results. Whether it be his charisma with the jury, his command of the evidence code, or his thorough preparation, Gordon frequently mopped the floor with those he went up against.

    In the community Gordon has consistently volunteered his time and energy. He’s been an advocate against oppression, racism, and discrimination. His love for his profession is second only to the love he shows others in the community.

    I can honestly say that Gordon has both the talent and the caring heart to lead the public defender’s office. At our office he treats us kindly with respect; his door is always open for those who need him. Gordon is a shining example of leadership at our office. It is our hope he wins the election so that he can continue to serve those in our community he cares so much about. If you disagree with that, that’s fine. But don’t disparage a man who is a shining example of professionalism, hard work, and compassion.

      1. 5


        Really? Satz rode the publicity of a tainted murder case he handled into office. Look where that attitude took the county. Enough of that! Leadership, not gamesmanship.

      2. 9


        He can’t. He is a nice guy. But NO ONE ever thinks of him a great trial guy. EVER. Lol. That doesn’t mean he can’t be a good administrator. But the person above talking about what a respect trial guy he was has no clue. That is laughable.

      3. 5


        Like that will be forthcoming! Lol. Everyone knows that supervisors in our office don’t try cases. Just sign on cases with the rest of us overburdened schleps and when it comes time to actually argue in Court duck out on some stupid excuse.
        I would actually like to know when the last time was they actually tried a case by themselves other than to count our cases like they were theirs. Its no secret.

  11. 4


    Everyone on this blog who is disrespecting Gordon (and by everyone I mean the same 2 anonymous people) is jealously trying to disparage a wonderful man who has done great things for our community. I work for the public defender’s office. Gordon is an honorable man who commands our respect at the office.

    Gordon has tried a ton of cases and won most of them. Gordon wasn’t always leading the office as a Chief, he was a brilliant and talented trial attorney who passionately litigated on behalf of the indigent. His trial skills and legal writing frequently proved to be superior than the opposition which lead to amazing results. Whether it be his charisma with the jury, his command of the evidence code, or his thorough preparation, Gordon frequently mopped the floor with those he went up against.

    In the community Gordon has consistently volunteered his time and energy. He’s been an advocate against oppression, racism, and discrimination. His love for his profession is second only to the love he shows others in the community.

    I can honestly say that Gordon has both the talent and the caring heart to lead the public defender’s office. At our office he treats us kindly with respect; his door is always open for those who need him. Gordon is a shining example of leadership at our office. It is our hope he wins the election so that he can continue to serve those in our community he cares so much about. If you disagree with that, that’s fine. But don’t disparage a man who is a shining example of professionalism, hard work, and compassion.

  12. 11


    Satz and Monica Hofheinz are such liars they say there’s no money in the budget all the time yet they can hire an inexperienced prosecutor for a new BS unit conviction review unit. Send Sarahnell and her cronies packing in 2020

  13. 0


    If I was the last person alive on earth I would live near a home depot so I would have tools and generators and a pump that I would use to get gas from the tanks at the gas station next door that was next to publix so I had food and drinks that was next to a big liquor store for my fun that was next to a hospital so I had medicine in case I got sick or wanted to get high that was next to a library so I had books and all this would be near the ocean so I could take a shower.

  14. 9


    There is light at the end of a very, very, dark tunnel.

    Lewis for SA 2020 !!!

  15. 3


    I hear the Brenda and the clerks are raffling off a basket of alcoholic beverages. How much are the tickets???? Asking for a friend.

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