A 17th Circuit HR representative confirmed today the appointment of Allana Robinson Woods to replace retiring family court GM Barbara Beilly on November 1st. Rudy Morel, longtime drug and mental health court attorney for the PDO, and an MD, is already up and running in replacement for Phil Schlissel, who was the previous GM over drug and mental health court matters. Both positions were reportedly filled after a July cutoff for applications, and recommendations to Jack Tuter by an interviewing committee.
Unfortunately, the 17th Circuit’s reputation for nepotism isn’t going to be helped by the addition of Robinson Woods, confirmed by the same HR representative mentioned above as the daughter of former judge Mary Robinson, and former GM and current judge Michael Robinson. A quick web search turns up little on Allana, so it’s not known at this time if she has a background in family law. In the meantime, we’re preparing a public records request for the names of all of the applicants and the applications for both of the GM positions, and will report back shortly if concerns over nepotism should be raised in this case.
In closing, a belated congratulations to both Allana and Rudy!