For threatening and abusive actions directed towards current and former members of the Public Defender’s Office, including JAABLOG, mirrored in comments, emails, texts, and voicemail, B.L. is hereby banned from JAABLOG. All comments associated with B.L. will be deleted.

This is only the second time in JAABLOG’s roughly seventeen year history that a blanket ban has been issued.

Thoughts and prayers to B.L. and his family ….


*UPDATE* – First Appearances experienced Louis yesterday, and today as well …


Multiple criminal division courtrooms have been Zoom Bombed this morning.

An innocuous cartoon is reported to have appeared, posted by someone going by “Louis” and a last name that is not being printed here, followed by a cut to a man in graphic, full on self-abuse mode, with audio.

Luis had also figured out a way to stop the judges from quickly disconnecting him, forcing a complete Zoom shutdown for all participants …

COMING SOONSomething else about a penis …