Jqc v hawkins


… She responded immediately to this initial allegation by self-reporting before any activity by the JQC had commenced, as far as she knew …




… In addition to the exceptionally inappropriate physical contact initiated by Judge Hawkins, the Investigative Panel is concerned about the misleading context of Judge Hawkins’ statement …


Rumors of an imminent resignation must not be true, as the JQC has opened up on Gina Hawkins.

Here’s the link …

COMING SOONIs this the man of the hour?:



Where’s Gina?

Susan Lebow in for Gina Hawkins, pictured yesterday …

We’re told something major is going on in the Hawkins saga, to the point senior judge Lebow has been called in to cover foreclosures for the near future.

There’s a big story still brewing here, and if rumors are true, it could end badly for the perennially beleaguered 17th Circuit.

In any event, we don’t have time to go through another round of public records requests today, so we’re throwing this tip out to mainstream media just in case they can get the full story out to the general public.

Over and out

COMING SOONBob Norman builds on your comments


We’re told Gina Hawkins is out of the Family division, reportedly replaced by Frank Ledee.

Hawkins’ JA would not confirm whether or not her judge was still in Family, and directed us to Jack Tuter’s office.  Ledee’s JA didn’t pick up when called.

All of this follows the June 13 JAABLOG post It’s Absolute Nonsense!

Is the rumored reassignment somehow connected?

Stay tuned … mainstream media is chasing the story as we speak.

(Thanks, as always, to tipsters and commenters)

Clerk’s $80,000 and up club

Brenda’s General Counsel Alison Churly-Davis delivered on the Clerk’s salaries a short time ago.  It’s the first time they failed to acknowledge one of our PRR’s, but why complain when the substance came over in record time?  Thank you again, Alison.

And without further ado, here are the Clerk’s employees making over $80,000 annually.  After the list, a link is provided showing all salaries.

David Ahmann: 107,120.62, Sevag Arakelian: 98,800.00, Cathryn Baranowski: 88,935.60, Alison Churly-Davis: 114,400.42, Dian Diaz: 132,040.48, Lauren Eisenberg: 84,912.05, Omar Espallargas: 80,000.00, Brenda Forman: 178,865.00, Veloune Gelin: 114,400.83, Rodolfo Gonzalez: 88,046.82, Kathy Jackson: 88,193.66, Karen Joiner: 81,499.60, Benny Joseph: 99,032.33, Nenad Krstic: 123,429.90, Jason Maraj: 93,600.20, Crystal McKenzie: 90,839.42, Betty Mui: 80,000.00, Joan Manuel Napoles: 107,120.41, Ernesto Nardo: 135,678.40, Christine Raudebaugh: 84,801.60, June Reid: 98,612.59, Renee Schwartz: 88,502.54, Duane Sinclair: 134,345.54, Nakia Smith: 88,193.66, Laura Stallone: 85,419.98, Jeffrey Sutton: 157,040.83, Elizabeth Szmkiewicz: 86,428.16, Terence Thomas: 108,107.79, Kimberly Vaughan: 94,265.81.



COMING SOONFlorida Bar Salaries!


We’ve got a bunch of public records requests on a variety of topics to follow-up with from the SAO, Clerk, and Bar.  Hopefully time will become available soon to start writing them up.

In the meantime, we’ve sent a request to Brenda for all the salaries and wages paid to Clerk’s employees*, but curiously can’t get even an acknowledgment that it’s been received.  Very odd indeed, but certainly something to look forward to being posted right here on JAABLOG when the information is finally produced …

*Clerk’s employee salaries are not included in the Florida Has A Right To Know database.


The scene from today’s North Wing dedication in honor of TJ Reddick.  The dedication comes nearly twenty-five years after the old “new” building opened in 1995, and a month or so after the actual new tower was officially commemorated in honor of Skip CampbellAccording to the Sun Sentinel, Dale Holness fortunately suggested the long overdue honor for the late, great Reddick after discussions started for the new courthouse naming.  Whatever the dynamics, it’s a good thing proper official respect has finally been shown.  As far as the drop “K” pictured above, that happened during the unveiling, and may have been a cosmic reminder from Reddick himself that there’s still so much work to be done to level the scales of justice

Here’s Holness with Mike Robinson, who gave an impassioned speech regarding the achievements of Reddick, and the need to stay the path he helped lay to correct stubbornly ongoing injustices.  Mike may have also inadvertently done a solid for JAABLOG by acknowledging the importance of removing “that racist statue“, since Brenda v. Blog grievance committee member Madeleine Mannello was in attendance.  The statue trashing is, of course, one of many feathers in JAABLOG’s cap, so maybe Mannello will relay the public judicial nod to her colleagues when deliberating Brenda’s discredited claims against the blog.  For her part, Madeleine, who we know from her days as a scrappy ASA, gave a good-natured “I’m good” and a smile when we jokingly asked her to pose with Brenda for a picture, who was also in attendance …

The aforementioned duly elected Clerk of Courts still doesn’t think we have the right to take her picture, as she once again took great pains to memorialize your humble photographer in action.  Are her photos going to the Bar?  Is that why she also instructed the woman below to take our picture while taking her picture?  Wait and see …

Dale Holness again, this time with Harold Pryor.  Holness is rumored to be supporting a Pryor run for SAO, although Harold wouldn’t confirm anything but to say “I’m leaning towards running“.  Jack Seiler, on the other hand, is definitely out, following a conversation earlier today …

One time presumed PD and SAO heir apparents Gordon Weekes and Sarahnell Murphy saying hello …

Last Friday’s robing with pitiful judicial attendance that is apparently the new normal.  Gina Hawkins gave an invocation in her official capacity as a judge summoning Jesus, which struck many as inappropriate given she wasn’t the one being robed, and the fact she was in a state-funded courthouse …

COMING SOONPetition Time!